Monday, March 9

Today is Monday of Week 9. We are officially into the second half of the semester now! Here is a link to Week 9 and also a link to Week 8 for those of you using the grace period this morning.

Class Procedures and Reminders

Reading and Storytelling. This week in Indian Epics you will be choosing a a one-week version of the Mahabharata to explore (details) and in Myth-Folklore, there are more African and Asian stories (details). You might look back at your review week posts from last week to see if there were any new strategies for notetaking and/or storytelling strategiesyou want to try this week!

Project Stack. A lot of people have free passes this week, and there are also a lot of assignments in the stack, which I'll be working through in order. As always, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog Stream. People have been writing so many great bio stories, and this one from Amandeep comes with a great photo too: Changing Career Paths. Find out about her work with a prison diversion program for women who had drug-related offenses!

Twitter Stream. I thought this was such a cool work of art: vessel in the form of a sleeping dog, from Teotihuacan culture around the year 500 C.E.

Bigger Bookshelf. Today's book is West African Folktales by William H. Barker and Cecilia Sinclair. This is the source for one of the reading options this week in Myth-Folklore! There are lots of Anansi stories in here. :-)

Indian Epics. Today's character is Ekalavya, the Nishada archer who wanted to study with Drona. You can read more about Ekalavya here, and this is an Epified video about him:

Storybook. This is a wonderful Aztec project from last semester: Huitzilli's Journey.

India Video. Here's a video from Epified about the holiday called Holi: Legends of Holi.

Myth Video. Here's a take from philosopher Noël Carroll on The Paradox of Horror:

Words from India. The English word "shawl" comes from Urdu via Persian, shal, a type of goat with fine hair; you can find out more here: Shawl. This image shows a Hindu priest bestowing a traditional shawl as a gift on President Obama:

H.E.A.R.T. Here's a graphic from Maurice Sendak: I hope your whole week will be an Imagination Celebration.

Growth Mindset Cats. Today's mindset cat is for those of you with midterms this week: Study to learn, not just to ace the test.

Event on Campus. Instead of an event taking place today, I wanted to share pictures from the Holi celebration on Sunday; see more at the OU Daily.

March 9: Holi. The festival of Holi is widely celebrated not just in India and Nepal but also by Hindus around the world; check out the Twitter stream for lots of pictures! Holi is a spring festival, sometimes called the "festival of colors." You can read more about Holi in this Wikipedia article, which is also the source for the image below that shows Lord Krishna himself celebrating Holi together with his consort Radha:

And here's a Holi video from Maati Baani:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.