Sunday, April 9

Today is Sunday of Week 11. If you have not finished Week 11, you can do that today, and you might want to do some extra credit assignments also. You can find all the assignments at the Class Calendar.

Class Procedures and Reminders

Project Stack. I'll update the stack periodically today so that you can check the stack to make sure that I've received your project email.

Finishing the class. As soon as you have the points you need for the grade you want in the class, you are done, and there are several students already done with the class! So, make a plan based on what grade you want to go for, and you can then mix-and-match, choosing the assignments you want to do and deciding when you want to finish. If you have any questions about that, let me know. You can see if you are on track by using this Semester Chart.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Writing. I'm guessing you have probably all experienced the four stages of writing.

Storytelling. It's a science fiction version of the dog ate my homework... with Martians.

Words from India. You may be surprised to find out that this word comes to English from India: PAJAMAS.

Featured Storybook. This project is from the Indian Epics class: Through the Page: One Girl's Journey. Much to little Anaya's surprise, she receives a visit from a goddess, Saraswati, and it's urgent: the goddess brings Anaya to meet a "damsel petrified," which turns out to be only the first of the missions that Anaya must complete with the goddess's help.

Free Book Online: Today's free book is The Talking Beasts: A Book of Fable Wisdom by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora Archibald Smith. See the Freebookapalooza blog for links and the table of contents. You will find fables here from all over the world.

Words of Wisdom: Today's saying is Put your best foot forward (an English proverb). Find out more at the Proverb Lab. And then: get moving!

Video: The video for today is Prem Joshua's Shiva Moon Remix. To find out more read this Interview with Prem Joshua.

Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat looks like he wants to learn to knit, and he knows it will require some work: Dreams don't work unless you do. You can find out more at the Growth Mindset blog.

Event on Campus: Come celebrate the Mr. and Miss Indian OU at 2PM in the Union Ballroom (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

April 9: Palm Sunday. This year, Easter Sunday falls on April 16, which means that today is Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter when Jesus entered Jerusalem, as you can see in the painting by Lorenzetti below. The name of the holiday comes from the palm branches that the people scattered in front of Jesus as he entered the city:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.