Tuesday, October 30

Today is Tuesday of Week 11. Here is a link to the this week's assignments (plus Week 12 if you are working ahead). I hope you will enjoy this week's reading! It's a storytelling week, so remember to take notes that will jump-start your story later — and there are so many ways to take notes like a writer.

Class Procedures and Reminders

Mix and match. (repeat announcement) As you plan out your week, remember that you can "mix and match" assignments (regular assignments, extra credit) as you zoom in on the points you need for your desired grade. You can decide what assignments work best for you; just make sure you have a plan in place that will get you to the end of the semester. Here's a chart that can help.

Project Stack. If you turned in your assignment before 3PM on Saturday, you should have comments back from me now. I'll finish the Saturday items today and get started on Sunday. As always, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog Stream. On Sunday, I shared Arti's SoundCloud recording, and I wanted to share this other cool example of using SoundCloud for music, from Laura's blog: SoundCloud Embedded. (Yes, it's a Tech Tip!)

Featured Storybook. Gearing up for Halloween, here's a horror story from India! Tales of the Lingering Souls. This haunted house was owned by a mysterious man named Yash, whose eerie portrait has presided over a series of grisly deaths that echo the episodes of the ancient epics.

India Video. Here's another lovely Maati Baani video: Jao Priya.

Myth Video. This is another Crash Course video: Cosmic Sexy Time, Eggs, Seeds, and Water.

Myth Item. Here's a word from mythology: MORPHINE, which takes its name from the Greek god Morpheus.

Writing. You can look for words inside of words. They might surprise you!

And here's a fun language video: people who became nouns.

Plus a warning from Tom Gauld about the dangers of reading. Be careful! :-)

Growth Mindset Cats. The growth cat is always curious! Curiosity: the will to explore.

Event on Campus. Come and "Haunt the Bizz" in Bizzell, Lower Level 1, from 7PM-8PM tonight with snacks and candy and a photo booth (details).

Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

October 30: Joseph Campbell. Today marks the anniversary of the death of the mythological Joseph Campbell in 1987. He is famous for his theory of the monomyth or "the hero's journey." You can read about his life and career at Wikipedia, and I've included a video below: Joseph Campbell and the Myth of the Hero's Journey which you can also see in this graphic:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.