Class Procedures and Reminders
Project Stack. If you turned something in before Friday, you should have comments back from me now. Anything from Friday will be at the top of the stack on Monday. Meanwhile, over the weekend I'll keep an eye on assignments coming you, so you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.
Project Schedule. I also sent around email reminders on Friday to people about the Week 5 Project assignment. People are all on different schedules now: some doing Portfolios, some doing Storybooks, some one week behind, etc. So, if you are turning in a Week 5 project this weekend, you should have an email reminder from me in your inbox, and if you have any questions, let me know.
And THANK YOU to everybody who has their project website up and running now: it is really exciting to see those take shape this semester. The creative magic is going strong, and I got to read so many good stories this week. Yay!
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. I just realized I had bookmarked this beautiful image from Tracy's blog post back at the start of the semester, but I forgot to share it. So, better late than never: photo from Thailand by Tracy.
Free Book Online. Today's free book is Tales of the Punjab by Flora Annie Steel, with illustrations are by J. Lockwood Kipling (yes, Rudyard Kipling's father!).

Free Audiobook. Today's free audiobook is Myths of Babylonia and Assyria by Donald A. MacKenzie. The illustration below shows the temptation of Enkidu (Eabani):

India Video. For those of you in Indian Epics, here's a sneak preview of the Mahabharata, comparing it to Game of Thrones, from Epified TV.
India Item. This is another English word that connects to India: SERENDIPITY, from "Serendib," one of the names for the island of Lanka.
Writing. In case you were wondering, yes, punctuation matters.

Growth Mindset Cats. I am a big fan of curiosity: Follow your natural curiosity and see what you learn.

This chart can help you ponder your to-do list this weekend: Importance and Urgency.

And as you ponder your time and your choices, here's something to think about: The Time You Have (In JellyBeans).
Event on Campus. Join OU Food Pantry tonight at Chipotle on Campus Corner for a benefit night from 5PM - 9PM (details).
February 16: Christopher Eccleston. As some of you know already, I am a Doctor Who fan, and today, February 16, is the birthday of Christopher Eccleston, who is my favorite of the Doctors; he was the Ninth Doctor in the 2005 season of the series. You can find out more in this Doctor Who article at Wikipedia; the image below shows the Doctor and his time-traveling spaceship named the TARDIS:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.