Sunday, March 29

Today is Sunday of Week 10. Some of you are finishing up Week 10 today, and some of you are working on some previous items from Week 9 (mega-grace period!). And Week 11 is available for those of you who are taking this weird time to work ahead in this class. (If you are going to take the new P-Pass option instead of a letter grade, you can be done when you reach 301 points.)

Class Procedures and Reminders

Week 9 / Week 10. For those of you who took some time off in this class last week (and that's exactly what the Flex Week is for!), you can still do the end-of-week work from Week 9 if you want, along with the Week 10 assignments. Tomorrow, Monday, the Week 9 grace period will end, but the grace period for Week 10 will carry on until the next Monday, April 6. You can see all of those mega-grace period dates in the Canvas Modules area and also in the calendar.

Project Stack. I'll update the stack periodically today so that you can check the stack to make sure I received your email, and on Monday I'll start replying to the assignments in order. Thanks to all of you working on your projects today; I will be very glad to have stories to read next week, and I'm looking forward to stories to read next week!

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog Stream. I am such a fan of the microfiction that people are doing, and Christian did some jataka-inspired microfiction here: Flying Turtle.

Twitter Stream. I wanted to share this beautiful interview about the power of creativity with Jerry Saltz, whom you can also find at TwitterPick up anything and start sketching. Your iPhone - take all those ridiculous pictures you took - all of that is a form of drawing. All the funny little songs you thought, oh, that's got a great lyric, those are the beginning of ideas. Every dream you have is a possible little bit of an idea. And all of that can be put into use - all of your obsessions. 

And from the Corvid files, here is a tweet about a Palantir-Zoom and Lord of the Rings: it's a videoconference with Saruman and Sauron!

Indian Epics Today. The character for today is the goddess Lakshmi, who is the goddess of prosperity. Find out more here: Lakshmi.

Here is a video about Lakshmi from the Epified YouTube channel:

Myth-Folklore Video. And speaking of goddesses, here's a Crash Course video: Great Goddesses.

Storybooks. Here's a Storybook from Myth-Folklore last year, all about tigers: To Have a Tiger by the Tale.

Proverbs. And here's a proverb from India about a tiger: Beware the tiger who offers you a golden bracelet. He may be offering you a gift, but he really just wants to gobble you up!

H.E.A.R.T.. The weekend is always a good time to Practice the Pause, especially now.

HEART Video. And if you want to expand your mind as you pause and reflect, here is the amazing Alan Watts, with music from Hans Zimmer: Life from Above.

March 29: Denslow. Today marks the death of the illustrator William Wallace Denslow in 1915; find out more about his life and career at Wikipedia. Denslow is most famous for his illustrations for The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; here you can see Dorothy and her friends:


Denslow also did an illustrated Mother Goose. This is an animated gif I made of some of the illustrations:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.