Week 3 blog posts. For the Responding assignment, you should be looking for the Week 3 essay and story - you may need to scroll down, because some people are working ahead. Two people (Ann and Christina) are enrolled in two classes, so make sure if you read their blogs that you read the posts for the class you are enrolled in together with them. If someone does not have the Week 3 essay and/or Week 3 story, just pick another post in their blog instead.
Storybook Stack. On Friday, I should finish reading and responding to every Storybook assignment in the stack that is turned in before Friday at noon (contents of the stack). If you turn something in before Friday at noon, my goal is to get comments back for you before the weekend. I don't do any grading over the weekend, so if you turn something in after noon on Friday, it will go into the stack. I'll start working through the stack first thing on Monday morning, in order. So, if you want comments back next week sooner rather than later, don't wait until Sunday to turn in your assignment.
Famous Last Words. Some of you have already discovered the Famous Last Words extra credit option. Given how crazy the semester gets for everybody, I highly recommend this as a nice way to just pause and reflect on how the semester is going for you. If your semester is like mine, every week flies by and you cannot even quite figure out where it went! By doing the Famous Last Words extra credit assignment, you can take a few minutes to just think about how the past week went for you and what you are expecting around the corner next week... while getting extra credit for it, too! :-)
September 12: Lascaux caves. Friday, September 12, marks the anniversary of the discovery in 1940 of the amazing prehistoric cave paintings found at Lascaux in France. The cave walls were decorated with upwards of two thousand images, including hundreds of animals. You can read more about the Lascaux cave paintings in this Wikipedia article, which is also the source for the image shown below. The paintings are estimated to date to approximately 16,000 years ago, during what used to be called the "Stone Age" (Upper Paleolithic, a period of human culture that lasted from around 40,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE). As you can see, the paintings are truly beautiful and very dramatic... although, without recorded language, we will never know just what stories the paintings commemorate.