My Wednesday schedule. I do most of my work during regular business hours on Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday, while scheduling my out-of-office commitments on Wednesdays. That means I may be a bit more slow to respond to your emails on Wednesday than on the other days of the week - but if you send me an email during the day on Wednesday, I'll definitely get back to you by the end of the day.
Storybook Stack. I'm still working my way through the large stack of Storybook assignments that people have turned in. If you turned in an assignment before 10 PM on Sunday, you should have comments back from me now. If you turned something in after 10 PM on Sunday or on Monday or Tuesday, it is probably still in the stack, waiting for me to get to it. If you want to check and make sure your assignment is in the stack, you can see the contents of the stack here. It usually takes me most of the week to return all the Storybook assignments; the sooner you turn it in, the sooner you will get comments back.
Technology Tip: for images. Now that you will be using images on your webpages, you might want to try this Technology Tip for, a FREE online service you can use for editing your images - cropping them, resizing them, etc. When you work with images online, it's very useful to be able to get them just the size you want. If you learn how to crop and resize images, you can easily make a coverpage for your Storybook like this wonderful coverpage with four images, one for each story in the Storybook: Clash of the Heroes.