Storybook stack. There are still a few assignments in the Storybook stack - these are late Week 12 assignments and early assignments for Weeks 13 and 14. If you turned in a Week 12 assignment on time, you should have comments back from me now and points recorded in the Gradebook. You can check the contents of the stack to make sure I have received your assignment. If you want comments back BEFORE the Thanksgiving Break, MAKE SURE you turn in your Storybook assignment by Friday at noon. I won't be doing any Storybook grading over Thanksgiving Break, so any Storybooks that come in after noon on Friday November 19 will go into the stack for Monday morning, November 29.
Week 13 Internet assignment now available. (repeat announcement) For the Week 13 Internet assignment, you will be asked to nominate your favorite Storybook projects in various categories, and also to leave some thank-yous to the people whose comments were most helpful to you this semester. Then, on Monday afternoon, November 29, when everybody has submitted their nominations, I will put up a ballot based on the most nominated Storybooks.
November: Thanksgiving Break. (repeat announcement) You will be getting a full week off for Thanksgiving in this class. Thanksgiving falls on November 25 this year, which is next Thursday. You have your usual Week 13 Thursday assignments; make sure you complete those as usual! I would also urge you to finish up the remaining Week 13 assignments this Friday, November 19. Then you can have the entire next week off from November 20 - November 28, with the Week 13 grace period on Monday morning, November 29. See the class calendar for more details.
November 18: William Caxton. Today, November 18, is a remarkable day in the history of English literature because on this day, in the year 1477, William Caxton produced the first printed book in England! The first printed book in Europe, the famous Gutenberg Bible, had been printed in Germany in 1453, and it was about 25 years later that William Caxton started printing books in England. You can read more about William Caxton's life and career in this Wikipedia article. The first book that William Caxton printed was not a Bible, but a book about Greek mythology: Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye. I am most interested in Caxton because one of the other books he published was the first printed edition of Aesop's fables in English in 1484! The image below shows the fable of the man who debated with the lion from Caxton's edition of Aesop: