- creative writing assignments and semester-long writing projects
- using GoogleSites to create and publish websites
- using Ning for blogging and student-to-student interaction
Friday, Jan. 13: 11:45-12:15 in 155 Gould Hall
- Chris Harvey - Asian Fox Stories. Chris is a Microbiology major doing research in Dr. Michael McInerny's lab; he works with the organism S. Wolfei.
- Corry Parker - Finals Week: Death Notes. Corry is an Anthropology major. Look for characters from Mary's Storybook (see below) showing up here in Corry's Storybook - very cool!
- Mary Stanfield - Long Road Home: From the Hunters' Notebook. Mary is a Philosophy senior, Opinion Editor at The Oklahoma Daily, and GLBTF Vice-President.
- Elizabeth Oberg - It's a Shoe Thing (plus, Elizabeth is a veteran; see also - Esther: A Beautiful Purpose for Power and Devi & the Trimurti). Elizabeth is a senior Broadcast Journalism major, and she has taken 10 online classes (!) while at OU. She will graduate this May and hopes to find a job near her home in Austin, TX.
Friday, Jan. 13: 2:00-2:30 in 155 Gould Hall
- Kathleen Burns - A Town Called Diggory (plus, Kathleen is a veteran - see also: Tales from the Carnival), Kathleen is also an English Writing major and will be graduating this May.
- Mira Thomas - Siren, City in the Clouds. Mira is a newly minted graduate of the OU Anthropology department; she wrote her senior thesis on the archaeological evidence for Greek Amazons.
- Josh Samara - Rebirthed. Josh is a newly minted graduate of the OU English department, with a Writing emphasis.
If you are curious to learn more about the Storybook projects and these two online courses, you can find lots of information here:
- Course websites: Mythology & Folklore - Indian Epics
- Storybooks for Spring 2011: Mythology & Folklore - Indian Epics
- Past Storybooks: Mythology & Folklore - Indian Epics
- The Storybook Process (description of week-by-week assignments)
- Why Storybooks? (a slideshow presentation from October 2011)

You can find more information at the
Academic Technology Expo webpage!
Academic Technology Expo webpage!