Week 2 Read and Respond (blog comment) assignment. The Week 2 blog commenting assignment is available now! Make sure you check your groups; there has been a bit of shuffling based on class add/drops. You will probably see the same people you did last time, but check the group listing to make sure. I'll keep these same groups for another week or two, and then shuffle things around!
Week 2 Internet: Websites. For your Week 2 Internet assignment, you will be creating a website as a practice website before you create the website for your Storybook. If you are curious to see the websites that other people in class have already created, you can see the list here: World Literature, Myth-Folklore, Indian Epics.
Storybook assignments. As of Friday morning, I had some Storybooks in the stack; you can see the Stack contents here. I always do my best to read and reply on Friday afternoon to all the assignments turned in before noon. Anything that comes in after noon on Friday goes into the stack on Monday. Please do NOT go on to the next Storybook assignment until you get comments back from me about the assignment you have turned in. You can keep working ahead on the other assignments in class, but please wait for my comments back on your Storybook assignment before you go on to the next one.
Monday, January 31: Final day to drop with refund. Monday, January 31, will be the final day to drop a class and get a full refund. So, if you are finding out that this class does not fit into your schedule after all, or that the workload is too demanding, you can still drop the class and get a refund. These Week 2 assignments will give you a sense of what the regular weekly assignments will be like for the rest of the semester, so you will have a good basis on which to make your decision.
OU Mens Gymnastics on SATURDAY. An announcement from Bobby Shortle in Myth-Folklore: On Saturday, January 29, there will be an OU Mens Gymnastics meet - FREE for students - at 7pm, in the Field House. #4-ranked OU will be facing off against #7-ranked Minnesota and also... TEXAS - it's a three-way meet! Find out more at Mens Gymnastics @ SoonerSports.com.
January 28: William Butler Yeats. Today, January 28, marks the anniversary of the death of the great Irish poet, William Butler Yeats, who died on this day in the year 1939. You can read more about Yeats' life and career in this Wikipedia article. Those of you in the World Lit. or Myth-Folklore course may have encountered William Butler Yeats in your research for the class so far, because Yeats was a crucial figure in the revival of Irish popular culture in the 19th century and you can find many of his works online at the Sacred Texts Archive. The image below shows Yeats' gravestone in a cemetery in Drumcliff, County Sligo, Ireland; the simple inscription - "Cast a cold Eye / On Life, on Death. / Horsemen pass by!" - was what Yeats himself asked to have carved on the stone.