See OU.EDU for more details.
10-5 on Friday & normal weekend hours.
See OU.EDU for more details.
10-5 on Friday & normal weekend hours.
For those of you who have not had Internet access while campus has been closed, I will contact you first thing on Monday about make-up work; let me know when you get back online.
HAPPY WEEKEND! This is the end of Week 3. The Week 3 Read and Respond assignment (blog commenting) is available now, and the remaining Week 3 assignments are due on Friday or, if you prefer, on Saturday or Sunday. If you have been having Internet connectivity problems because of the snow, please contact me as soon as you get back online. Campus will be open on Monday, so you can use a computer on campus then; there is no work for this class that requires you to be working on any computer in particular. As long as you have an Internet connection on any computer, you are good to go.
Week 3 blog posts. For the Responding assignment, you should be looking for the Week 3 essay and story in order to leave comments on those posts; the goal should be to comment on the STORY and ESSAY posts of your two people each week. Some people may not have those Week 3 posts, in which case you should look for two other posts in their blog you have not commented on; if you have commented on all the posts in their blog already, then choose someone else at random in the class to read and comment on. Also, some people are working ahead, which means you may need to scroll down to find the posts you are looking for. So, if you do not find somebody's Week 3 blog posts at the top of their blog, just scroll on down till you find their Week 3 posts.
Storybook Stack. On Friday, I hope to be able to finish reading and responding to every Storybook assignment in the stack turned in before Friday at noon (contents of the stack). If you turned in a Week 2 assignment, you should have comments back from me by now; the only items in the stack are early Week 3 and Week 4 assignments. I don't do any grading over the weekend, which means that if you turn something in after noon on Friday, it will go into the stack. I'll start working through the stack first thing on Monday morning, in the order received. If you want comments back next week sooner rather than later, don't wait until Sunday to turn in your assignment! The earlier you turn in the assignment, the sooner you will get comments back.
Famous Last Words. Some of you have discovered the Famous Last Words extra credit option. Given how crazy the semester gets for everybody, I highly recommend this as a nice way to just pause and reflect on how the semester is going for you. If your semester is like mine, every week flies by and you cannot even quite figure out where it went! By doing the Famous Last Words extra credit assignment, you can take a few minutes to just think about how the past week went for you and what you are expecting around the corner next week... while getting extra credit for it, too!
February 4: Sri Lanka National Day. Today, February 4, is the holiday that celebrates the day - February 4, 1948 - when the island nation of Sri Lanka gained independence from British rule (India had gained its independence about six months earlier, in August of 1947). For those of you who are in the Indian Epics class, Sri Lanka is a place of special interest, because it is the legendary home of Ravana the rakshasa king. You can read more about Sri Lanka in this Wikipedia article. The image below shows a mountain in Sri Lanka, Sri Pada, which supposedly is marked by the footprint of the Buddha (according to Buddhist tradition), the footprint of Shiva (in Hindu tradition) or the footprint of Adam (in Islamic tradition):

Week 3 blog posts. For the Responding assignment, you should be looking for the Week 3 essay and story in order to leave comments on those posts; the goal should be to comment on the STORY and ESSAY posts of your two people each week. Some people may not have those Week 3 posts, in which case you should look for two other posts in their blog you have not commented on; if you have commented on all the posts in their blog already, then choose someone else at random in the class to read and comment on. Also, some people are working ahead, which means you may need to scroll down to find the posts you are looking for. So, if you do not find somebody's Week 3 blog posts at the top of their blog, just scroll on down till you find their Week 3 posts.
Storybook Stack. On Friday, I hope to be able to finish reading and responding to every Storybook assignment in the stack turned in before Friday at noon (contents of the stack). If you turned in a Week 2 assignment, you should have comments back from me by now; the only items in the stack are early Week 3 and Week 4 assignments. I don't do any grading over the weekend, which means that if you turn something in after noon on Friday, it will go into the stack. I'll start working through the stack first thing on Monday morning, in the order received. If you want comments back next week sooner rather than later, don't wait until Sunday to turn in your assignment! The earlier you turn in the assignment, the sooner you will get comments back.
Famous Last Words. Some of you have discovered the Famous Last Words extra credit option. Given how crazy the semester gets for everybody, I highly recommend this as a nice way to just pause and reflect on how the semester is going for you. If your semester is like mine, every week flies by and you cannot even quite figure out where it went! By doing the Famous Last Words extra credit assignment, you can take a few minutes to just think about how the past week went for you and what you are expecting around the corner next week... while getting extra credit for it, too!
February 4: Sri Lanka National Day. Today, February 4, is the holiday that celebrates the day - February 4, 1948 - when the island nation of Sri Lanka gained independence from British rule (India had gained its independence about six months earlier, in August of 1947). For those of you who are in the Indian Epics class, Sri Lanka is a place of special interest, because it is the legendary home of Ravana the rakshasa king. You can read more about Sri Lanka in this Wikipedia article. The image below shows a mountain in Sri Lanka, Sri Pada, which supposedly is marked by the footprint of the Buddha (according to Buddhist tradition), the footprint of Shiva (in Hindu tradition) or the footprint of Adam (in Islamic tradition):