First and foremost, THANK YOU for all the good work that you did in the class, especially on the Storybooks. Every semester I am amazed by the variety and excellence of the Storybooks that people create, and that was very true this semester! I had such a good time watching them evolve and reading all the stories. I even learned many new stories that I had never heard before, which is why I will never get bored teaching these classes: I get to learn new things all the time. So, thank you all for all the good work you did!
Grades: At noon on Friday, I recorded the last of the final grades in the Desire2Learn Gradebook, and those are the grades I will be turning in at Ozone on Friday afternoon.
Ning: Please take a last look at your comment wall at the Ning and at your blog to see if you got some comments in the last days of class. There might have been some people who left comments on your Storybook as late as this Friday for their Week 15 Internet assignment.
Announcements: Next week, I will be clearing out the Announcements email so you will not get announcements when classes start up again in the fall. So, if you are going to be in one of these classes in the fall, you'll need to sign up for that email list again.
I think that's it, but if you have any questions I have not answered here, let me know!