D2L Quiz Errors. There are some problems with D2L for some users at this time; it is not clear just how many people are affected. You can get the latest information at the D2L Facebook page. If you are having trouble doing a Declaration, just send me the text of the Declaration in an email, and I will record the points for you manually. If you are having trouble with the Plagiarism quiz, send me an email and we'll figure out just how to manage that when D2L is not being so cranky - but go right on and do the storytelling assignment now! If you are having trouble with other quizzes that are not due today, move on to the next assignment and just come back to do the quiz later; I'm sure they will get it fixed soon. Fingers crossed!
Class announcements. You should be reading the class announcements every day. If you did not read the Tuesday announcements, please make sure you do that now: Tuesday announcements. There was important information in the Tuesday announcements that will help you complete your various assignments for this week.
Wednesday assignments. You have assignments due today, Wednesday, that will get you ready for the creative kinds of story re-telling you will be doing in this class. Please make sure you complete today's assignments; these first week assignments are mandatory and must be completed if you want to remain in the class.
Wednesday Events on Campus. There is an Arts Fair at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art this evening, Wednesday, 5PM-7PM, with pizza provided (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Wednesday at the Campus Calendar online.
Your announcements for the class. If any of you are involved in campus activities that you want me to publicize, please let me know. I'll be glad to include them here in the class announcements! Send me specific information about day-time-location, and also a link to a webpage or any additional online information you have about the group or activity. For an example of such an announcement, see below!
Charming Kitten Needs Home. I'm sharing this announcement from Tim in the Myth-Folklore class: "I took these pictures of a kitten I just rescued. He made a visit to the vet where he got treatment for his ear mites, dewormer, vaccine, and all those good things. He is now healthy, happy, and in need of a home. As I already have three cats, I cannot keep him so if anybody would like this kitty please let me know." You can use Tim's Comment Wall at the Ning to contact him if you want to know more about this charming kitten! Here are two pictures: