You really can call me Laura! Some of you still seem to feel like you need to call me Professor or Dr. or something like that. No need for that, really! (Plus, since I am just an instructor and not a professor, I don't want to get in trouble with the professor police, ha ha.) Since I'm on a first-name basis with all of you, please do the same and just call me Laura.
My weekend. In addition to celebrating the big win on Saturday (a bit more nerve-racking than I expected...!), I got a chance to write up something on a topic of great interest to me - the Internet and Aesop. So, if you're curious what I do in my not-very-copious spare time, here's what I was up to: Sir Roger L'Estrange, Aesop, and the Public Sphere. :-)
Storybook Coverpages. I'll be updating the list of Storybook websites for Myth-Folklore and Indian Epics on Monday afternoon when people have finished turning in their Week 4 coverpages. You can continue to experiment with your coverpage design all semester long, of course - just make sure the address of the page stays the same. Everybody in class will be using the link you have sent me to access your Storybook for the rest of the semester. Starting tomorrow, Tuesday, for the Week 5 Internet assignment you will be looking at and commenting on each other's Storybooks via the class list. I'll have more to say about that in tomorrow's announcements!
Storybook stack. As always on Monday, I will have a huge bunch of assignments in the Storybook stack that were turned in over the weekend or on Monday morning. The first thing I will do on Monday morning when I get to work is to update the list of items in the Storybook stack. You can then check the contents of the stack to make sure I received your assignment. I will be reading and reply to the assignments in the order they were turned in. If you turned in your assignment on Sunday or later, you may have to wait a few days before you will get comments back from me. In fact, this is one of the busiest weeks for me in terms of replies to Storybooks, so if you are turning in a late assignment, the sooner you can do that, the better!
Monday Events on Campus. Fred Jones Jr. Art Center has a showing of art by incoming graduate students in the Lightwell Gallery through the rest of this week. (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Monday at the Campus Calendar online.
September 19: Talk Like a Pirate. Today, September 19, is International Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day, a holiday you can read about at Wikipedia and at the Talk-Like-a-Pirate website. In honor of this holiday, you can even change your Google interface to be in "pirate lingo" - it's a Tech Tip! If you need help talking like a pirate, there are some good tips at the Yarr website. There is a translation tool you can use if you want some extra help. Below is an image of Mark Summers ("Cap'n Slappy") and John Baur ("Ol' Chumbucket"), founders of Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day.