HALLOWEEN. Although it is not Halloween until Monday, there are some extra credit options for the Internet assignment this weekend - and one of those options includes a list of Halloween-themed Storybooks, which is to say, Storybooks about ghosts, demons and devils, witches, magic, etc. Enjoy!
NEW RESPONDING GROUPS. The blog responding groups have been shuffled around this week, so you should find some new people to read and respond to when you do the blog responding assignment for Week 10. If somehow I've accidentally left anybody off the list, please let me know. This is done completely at random, so you may be with someone you have been in a group with before, or you may have all new people - that is the magic of randomness!
Storybook Stack. I'm still working my way through the stack of Storybook assignments that people have turned in. I've read and replied to all the Week 9 assignments turned in on time, but if you turned in a late Week 9 assignment, or an early assignment for Week 10, 11 or 12, it may still be in the stack. My goal is to get comments back to everyone by the end of the day Friday for assignments turned in before Friday at 8AM. If you want to check and make sure your assignment is in the stack, you can see the contents of the stack here.
Friday Events on Campus. There will be FREE screenings of the final Harry Potter film, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2" on Friday at 6PM, 9PM and MIDNIGHT in Meacham Auditorium (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Friday at the Campus Calendar online.