Week 10 Internet assignment: Extra credit option. The Week 10 Internet assignment is available now and in addition to the usual assignment of reading three Storybooks and commenting on them, there is an additional "extra credit" option where you can read three more Storybooks and comment on them for an additional 6 points. I hope you will have fun with that - the extra credit option is something you can use to visit Storybooks from the other class and/or visit some Storybooks for Halloween! :-)
Storybook Stack. As usual at the beginning of the week, there are still LOTS of Storybook assignments in the stack. If you turned something in on Friday or Saturday, you should have comments back from me already. If you turned something in on Sunday or on Monday, it is probably still in the stack waiting for me to get to it. If you want to check and make sure your assignment is in the stack, you can see the contents of the stack here.
Finishing up the class: Storybooks. As I've mentioned before, there is no absolute requirement about the number of stories in a finished Storybook, and based on your strategy for getting your points in the class, you can finish your Storybook when it has two stories or three stories or four stories - it is up to you! The Week 14 and Week 15 Storybook assignments are final revisions, so if you are stopping with just three stories, for example, you can skip Week 12 and Week 13 (the fourth story assignments) and go straight to the final revision assignments for your Storybook. So, you would turn in Week 10 (third story), Week 11 (third story revisions), and then the Week 14 and Week 15 final revision assignments.
Tuesday Events on Campus. An announcement from Whitney in Indian Epics: A Stonewall Teach-In, hosted by LGBTQ Advisory Board, will take place on Tuesday, October 25th at 6PM in the Heritage Room OMU. Learn about the history of the Stonewall Riots with a film screening and panel discussion. Free food too! (contact Whitney via her Ning Profile for more info). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Tuesday at the Campus Calendar online.
October 25: Picasso. Today, October 25, marks the birthday in 1881 of the artist Pablo Picasso, who died in 1973. You can read about his life and career in this Wikipedia article. In addition to being a painter, Picasso was also a sculptor; the image below shows a sculpture called "Head of a Woman," cast by Picasso, which is on the Princeton University campus: