STORYBOOK VOTING: Polls close at 5PM today. Today, Thursday, is your last chance to vote for your favorite Storybooks. Just like every semester, because all the Storybooks are so good, the votes are VERY close - so, yes, a single vote does make a difference in this very local micro-election. You can see the nominees here for both classes. The voting will go until 5PM today, Thursday, and I'll announce the results in Friday's announcements.
Storybook stack. There are still a few Storybooks in the stack which I hope to get to today. You can check the contents of the stack to make sure I have received your assignment. If you want to get comments back before the weekend, make sure to get your Storybooks turned in by Friday at 8AM.
Course evaluation at For information about the course evaluation now available online, see yesterday's announcements.
Week 15 Schedule. For those of you who will still be doing classwork during Week 15 (dead week), see yesterday's announcements.
Grading and points. (repeat announcement) When you finish up with the class I record a "FINAL GRADE" in the D2L Gradebook so you can be sure you are done. So, just let me know when you have completed the number of points you need: 410 for an A, 360 for a B, 320 for a C. It's entirely up to you what grade you want to finish with in the class. There is no need to apologize for stopping out with a grade of B or C (many people are taking this class just for Gen. Ed. credit, and I know that means it is often not a top priority). Whatever grade you decide to stop with is fine with me; just let me know when you are done, and I'll record the grade!
Thursday Events on Campus. World Literature Today Magazine is hosting a launch party to celebrate publication of its 350th issue at Café Plaid, 6PM - 8PM, 333 West Boyd Street on Campus Corner - free food, live music, and prizes, too! Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
April 26: Jet Li. Today, April 26, is the birthday of Jet Li, a Chinese martial arts master and film star, who was born in 1963. Happy Birthday, Jet Li! You can read more about Jet Li's life and career in this Wikipedia article. Jet Li has made some wonderful movies with mythological and legendary themes. For children and adults alike, there is The Forbidden Kingdom, in which he plays the Monkey King (Jackie Chan costars in that one). My favorite of his films is Hero, directed by Yimou Zhang, in which Jet Li plays a mysterious character - hero or traitor? It all depends on which version of the story you believe. Both these films are great examples of mythological legends made into adventurous and visually dazzling movies.