Week 11 Internet: Visiting the other classes. This week, you will be visiting the Storybooks in the other class as your required assignment, along with an extra credit option. We are getting near the end of the semester, and I hope the extra credit can be a way for you to enjoy more of the Storybooks before we run out of time!
Final Grades. If you did not read the information about final grades in the Monday announcements, please take a minute to do that now.
Storybook stack. As often on Tuesday, there is still a huge bunch of assignments in the Storybook stack. If you turned in a Storybook assignment on Saturday, you should have comments back from me and points recorded in the Gradebook. If you turned something in on Sunday or on Monday, it is probably still in the stack. You can check the contents of the stack to make sure I received your assignment. I will be reading and replying to the assignments in the order they were turned in.
Tuesday Events on Campus. There will be a Peace Corps Career Workshop from 2PM-3:30PM in 230 Kaufman Hall (time/location/details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
October 30: Joseph Campbell. October 30 marks the death in 1987 of Joseph Campbell, one of the greatest scholars of mythological traditions in the 20th century (he was born in 1904). You can read about his life and career in this Wikipedia article. One of my favorite books by Campbell is The Power of Myth, based on a series of interviews he did with Bill Moyers for PBS. If you have never read any of Campbell's books, this one is great one to start with. Campbell is probably most famous for his marvelous motto: Follow your bliss!