Week 13 Internet assignment NOW AVAILABLE. Now that Week 13 has begun, the Week 13 Internet assignment is available: you will be nominating your favorite Storybook projects in various categories, and you will also leave some thank-yous for the people whose comments were most helpful to you this semester. Then, on Monday afternoon, April 22, when everybody has submitted their nominations, I will put up a ballot based on the most nominated Storybooks. For information about the Week 14 Internet assignment, see Monday's announcements.
Storybook Stack. As usual at the beginning of the week, there are still LOTS of Storybook assignments in the stack. If you turned in an assignment on Saturday, you should have comments back from me by now. If you turned something in on Sunday or Monday, it is probably still in the stack. You can check on the contents of the stack here. If you need just the points for the Storybook assignment you have turned in in order to finish up the class, send me a SEPARATE email with "Storybook Final Points" (or something like that) in the subject line so that I'll put your Storybook assignment at the top of the stack.
Tuesday Events on Campus. Shakespeare's Moot Court will take place from 5PM-7:30PM in the Dick Bell Courtroom of the Law School - OU law students will be debating Constitutional controversies with Shakespeare's plays as the basis for the cases. Refreshments will be served (time-location-details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
April 16: Aphra Behn. Friday, April 16, marks the death in the year 1689 of Aphra Behn, one of the first professional women writers in the English literary tradition. You can read more about her life and career in this Wikipedia article. In addition to her literary pursuits, she even worked as a spy for King Charles II, under the code name "Astrea." She is buried, along with many other famous English writers, in Westminster Abbey, and her tombstone reads: Here lies a Proof that Wit can never be / Defence enough against Mortality. You can see the inscription on the tombstone below, along with a portrait of Aphra Behn in life: