Class Procedures and Reminders:
Week 2 Read and Respond (blog comment) assignment. People have been busy posting in their blogs, so you can now complete the Read and Respond assignment. You can do that today, or on Saturday or Sunday if you prefer; the usual Monday morning grace period applies. There is also an EXTRA CREDIT responding option if you want to read and comment on some more blog posts; you will find information about that in the regular assignment instructions.
Storybook assignments. I will read and reply to as many Storybook assignments as I can on Friday, and the ones I do not get to will be at the top of the stack on Monday morning. The sooner you can turn in your assignment, the sooner you will get comments back from me, and you will need those comments before you go on to the next Storybook assignment. So, if you want to get comments back sooner rather than later, turn in your work on Friday or Saturday instead of waiting until Sunday.
Final day to drop with refund. Today, Friday, is the final day to drop a class and get a full refund of your fees (there is flat-rate tuition now, but each class still has its own fees). The Week 2 assignments should be giving you a sense of what the regular weekly assignments will be like for the rest of the semester, which means you now have a good basis on which to make your decision. If you have any questions about the class you'd like to ask before you make your decision, let me know!
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Suggestion Box. You might have noticed the link in the right-hand sidebar of these announcements to the anonymous Suggestion Box. This is a way for you to share feedback with me about the class - what's going well, what I could improve, etc. Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can offer!
Featured Storybook: Legendary Heroines: The Diary Accounts of Four Courageous Women. This is yet another diary project, this time with the diaries of four historical characters: Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Zenobia, and Lady Godiva.

FREE Kindle eBook: Myths of Babylonia and Assyria by Donald A. MacKenzie. Here is a link to the book at Amazon, and this blog post provides additional information about the contents of the book, which is by the same Donald MacKenzie who is the author of the Egypt book used as the source for the readings this week.

Words of Wisdom: Today's proverb poster is Dawn does not come twice to wake us (a South African proverb). Details at the Proverb Lab. That's right, the sun does not come equipped with a snooze button! :-)

Events Round-Up. Check out Kate's KGOU OneSix8 blog post for a round-up of weekend events and activities in the area!
Friday Event on Campus: There will be free showings of The Great Gatsby in Meacham Auditorium at 6PM, 9PM and midnight (details), plus a "Which Gatsby Character Are You?" game going on in the Food Court from 11:30AM - 12:30PM and a release party at 8PM in the Gatsby Lounge (aka Beaird Lounge) with DVD giveaways and a costume contest. Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

Note: You can page back through older blog posts to see any announcements you might have missed.