First, here are the number of ratings and the average of those ratings — with so few ratings, though, I wouldn't make too much of the averages, but over time this is going to be incredibly helpful to me as I learn more about which units are proving more successful, which units need improvement, etc. So, 5 is "excellent," 4 is "very good," 3 is "good," 2 is "okay," 1 is "did not enjoy."
Native American units: 82 total. I was so pleased that every single unit got at least one reader! I know that these topics were totally new to many of you, and I really appreciated the way people were adventurous in choosing the units that they read!
5.0 (1 rating) | Hiawatha |
4.8 (4 ratings) | Alaska |
4.5 (2 ratings) | Mississippi/Lakes |
4.4 (8 ratings) | Tejas |
4.3 (4 ratings) | Blackfoot |
4.2 (5 ratings) | British North America |
4.1 (11 ratings) | Am. Indian Fairy Tales |
4.1 (11 ratings) | Native Am. Heroes |
4.0 (2 ratings) | Apache |
3.9 (8 ratings) | Cherokee |
3.5 (2 ratings) | Great Plains |
3.5 (2 ratings) | Pacific NW |
3.4 (14 ratings) | Eskimo |
3.0 (2 ratings) | Sioux |
3.0 (2 ratings) | Southwest/CA |
2.5 (4 ratings) | Native Am. Marriage |
I was also curious and went through the modules so far; the overall ratings are very close, which is good to see. Pretty much everything is hovering right around 4.0!
4.2 (61 ratings) Week 2: Greco-Roman
4.3 (35 ratings) Week 3: Biblical
4.1 (63 ratings) Week 4: Middle Eastern
4.2 (29 ratings) Week 5: Indian
4.1 (52 ratings) Week 6: Asian
4.0 (39 ratings) Week 7: African
3.9 (82 ratings) Week 9: Native American
Below are some responses to the comments people made, and I am SO GRATEFUL for all this feedback. Because the comments you make in the Google Form are anonymous, I cannot reply to people individually, and I'm thinking these replies might be of general interest anyway — and you might want to check out my replies to previous comments too. There were not a lot of new types of comments different from last week's comments, but here is what I found:
Overall. The regional units have different mixtures of trickster, creation, hero, etc. tales, and so do the tribal units. Based on people's comments overall, I am thinking it might be good to "remix" them so that people who want to do something regional can do that, but so that there will be more thematic units. I'd also like to figure out why the "heroes" unit worked so well and the "marriage" unit not so well; it would be good to make some more units like the heroes one — finding some really appealing stories, along with clear information to help people who will really like the unit choose that one.
Blackfoot. I need to add some notes here, like info. about lodges/tipis.
Cherokee. Another unit where I should add some notes for next semester!
Eskimo. This is a unit that could definitely use some notes, especially for stories where the characters act in ways that we might consider kind of weird!
Overall. The regional units have different mixtures of trickster, creation, hero, etc. tales, and so do the tribal units. Based on people's comments overall, I am thinking it might be good to "remix" them so that people who want to do something regional can do that, but so that there will be more thematic units. I'd also like to figure out why the "heroes" unit worked so well and the "marriage" unit not so well; it would be good to make some more units like the heroes one — finding some really appealing stories, along with clear information to help people who will really like the unit choose that one.
Blackfoot. I need to add some notes here, like info. about lodges/tipis.
Cherokee. Another unit where I should add some notes for next semester!
Eskimo. This is a unit that could definitely use some notes, especially for stories where the characters act in ways that we might consider kind of weird!