Sunday, April 20

Today is Sunday of Week 13. The Read and Respond assignment, along with the Internet assignment and Storybook assignment, are due today. So, if you have not finished those up already, now is the time.

Class Procedures and Reminders:

BIG FAVOR TO ASK. If you have a few minutes to spare, I would be very grateful for feedback about some big changes I plan on making to these classes in the fall. I've written up a description of the Big Changes (some affect both classes, some just one class), and there is a Suggestion Box there where you can provide anonymous feedback. Any suggestions and input you can offer will be so useful!

Storybook Stack. I don't update the Storybook stack as often on the weekends, but you can check there to make sure I received your assignment; I'll update it at least once or twice over the weekend.

Storybook Schedule. This week, Week 13, is the last week to add a new story to your Storybook. So, if you want to add a final story to your Storybook, make sure you do that today!

Week 13 Internet assignment. (repeat assignment) For the Week 13 Internet assignment, you will be nominating your favorite Storybook projects in various categories, and you will also leave some thank-yous for the people whose comments were most helpful to you this semester. Then, on Monday afternoon, when everybody has submitted their nominations, I will put up a ballot based on the most nominated Storybooks. Thank you in advance for your input! The more people who make nominations, the better the ballot will be.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Writing Resource: All I Need to Write. I need light, lots of light... and that's about it. But I like the idea of having a "world of my creation."

Mythology Words in English: Today's mythology word in English is COLOSSAL, which comes from the Greek kolossos, meaning a giant statue, such as the famous Colossus of Rhodes. For details, see this blog post.

Featured Storybook: Long Road Home: From the Hunters' Notebook. In this Storybook from last year, Adam and Jett are speeding in their hand-me-down Corvette on the way to southern Montana, in search of a vampire, and that vampire is only the first of the monsters they will be hunting.

FREE Kindle eBook: Myths and Legends of Puritan Land by Charles M. Skinner. Here is a link to the book at Amazon, and this blog post provides additional information about the contents of the book which includes all kinds of legends from New England and New York, such as "The Headless Skeleton of Swamptown" and "The Dead Ship of Harpswell."

Words of Wisdom: Today's proverb poster is Learning is a companion on a journey to a strange country (a proverb from India). Details at the Proverb Lab. This proverb comes from an ancient collection of stories called the Hitopadesha.

Mahabharata Image: Today's Mahabharata image is Bhima and Duryodhana, fighting the duel that will lead to Duryodhana's death.

Easter Sunday. Today is Easter Sunday, and I wanted to share the legend of the dogwood, especially since the dogwoods are now in bloom. The legend says that the dogwood tree was once as tall and strong as an oak, and the wood of the mighty dogwood tree was used for the cross of Jesus. The dogwood grieved to be used for such a purpose, so Jesus took pity on the dogwood. From then on, the dogwood tree became short and twisted so that its wood could never again be used to make a cross, and the dogwood flowers represent the Crucifixion, with the four white petals in the shape of a cross. You can read more about this Easter legend at Wikipedia, which is also the source for this image:

Note: You can page back through older blog posts to see any announcements you might have missed.