Class Procedures and Reminders
The Stack. I'm still making my way through the stack of proofreading and early Storybook assignments people have turned in, while also reading Introductions in everybody's blogs. If you turned in a proofreading assignment before 5PM on Sunday, you should have comments back from me; if you turned in something later on Sunday or during the week, it is probably still in the Stack — you can check the Stack to make sure I have your assignment. As you can see, if you want comments sooner rather than later, don't wait until the due date to turn in the assignment; it takes me all week to get through the Stack.
Announcements. You can sign up for the announcements by email in the sidebar of this blog, and you can also find links to past announcements in the sidebar. Likewise, at the bottom of each post there is an "older post" link that allows you to page back through any announcements you might have missed. And remember: if you have any campus event or other local event you are involved in, let me know so that I can include that in the announcements!
Week 2 Project Commenting. For those of you who are working ahead, I wanted to let you know that the Week 2 Project Commenting assignment is available now. This week, the assignment is to start practicing some of the techniques you can use when you give feedback on people's stories. I know that giving this kind of feedback is probably a new experience for most of you, and I hope the techniques you learn about in this assignment will be helpful!
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Writing Humor: Cooking Her Family. Yet more proof that punctuation saves lives!

Indian Words in English: Today's Indian word in English is YOGA, which comes to English from Sanskrit. For details, see this blog post.

Featured Storybook: Hotel California. In this eerie Storybook, Daphne and Felix Cross check into the Hotel California and — just as you would expect — they can check out any time they like, but they can never leave . . .

FREE eBook: Tales of the Punjab by Flora Annie Steel. This blog post provides additional information about the contents of the book, which is one of the sources I used for the Raja Rasalu unit in the UnTextbook.

Words of Wisdom: Today's proverb poster is A stitch in time saves nine (an English proverb). Details at the Proverb Lab. This is one of my favorite proverbs: take a little time now to save a lot of time later!

Ramayana Image: Today's Ramayana image is Rama and Lakshmana with Vishvamitra. The illustration is from a Persian version of the Ramayana from 1594.

Wednesday Event on Campus: There will be a panel discussion at noon in 145 Hester Hall: "The New Normal? What the Renewal of US-Cuban Diplomatic Relations Means" (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
January 21: It's #MuseumSelfieDay! Find out more at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art Facebook page, which is where I found this great selfie of a museum staff member with some Mexican masks.
Note: You can page back through older blog posts to see any announcements you might have missed, and you can check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day.