Sunday, March 22

Today is Sunday of Week 9, and I hope you have had a fabulous Spring Break. The blog commenting assignment, along with the Project commenting and the Project assignment, are due today. So, if you did not finish those up before Spring Break, now is the time to wrap up Week 9!

Class Procedures and Reminders

Project Stack. I've been updating the stack of the Break and you can can check the stack to make sure I received your Project assignment. To get comments back sooner rather than later, turn in your assignment earlier rather than later today, and if you are not sure what you have due, check the D2L Gradebook "Progress" item.

Indian Epics UnTextbook. (repeat announcement) I've added lots more books for you to browse and review for the Indian Epics UnTextbook extra credit options — and that is available for both Myth-Folklore and Indian Epics students. I hope you can find some intriguing books to look at and review!

Working ahead on your Storybook. (repeat announcement) If you want to work ahead on your Storybook, please do so! You can actually write your remaining stories now, and that way you will have them all lined up and ready to go. You can only turn in one Storybook story at a time (otherwise, keeping track of the revisions gets really complicated), but if you want to get your stories written and ready to go, that's a great strategy for working ahead and dramatically reducing your work load in the final weeks of the semester.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Writing Humor: Plot Twist. Yes, you can use your writing skills to change your life!

Words to Watch: Today's words to watch out for are ANGEL and ANGLE. For details, see this blog post.

Featured Storybook: Monstrous Beings of Greek Mythology. This Storybook features fire-breathing bulls made of bronze, savage bird-women called "harpies," and the twin perils of Scylla and Charybdis, notorious monsters of the sea.

FREE eBook: Legends of The Kaw - The Folk-Lore of the Indians of the Kansas River Valley by Carrie de Voe. This blog post provides additional information about the contents of the book, with stories from the Pawnee, Sioux, Osage and other tribal traditions.

Words of Wisdom: Today's proverb poster is One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade (a Chinese proverb). Details at the Proverb Lab. This applies trees... and to other long-term projects!

Mahabharata Image: Today's Mahabharata image is The Gambling Match, and the moment when the Kauravas try to strip Draupadi of her clothing.

March 22: Randolph Caldecott. Today marks the birthday in 1846 of Randolph Caldecott, one of Britain's most famous book illustrators. You may have heard of the Caldecott Medal for children's picture books which is named for him. Here is an illustration from Caldecott's illustrated book inspired by the nursery rhyme, The House that Jack Built, and you can read more about Caldecott's life and career at Wikipedia.

Note: You can page back through older blog posts to see any announcements you might have missed, and you can check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day.