Class Procedures and Reminders
Project Stack. You can check the stack to make sure I received your assignment. As usual, the stack is HUGE at the beginning of the week, but I will clear out the Stack by the end of the week. You'll be getting comments back from me in the order received, so if you turned in your project on Sunday or later, please be patient because it will take me a few days to get to your assignment. Also, if you have not turned in your Week 2 Project (Storybook Topics), you can still do that for partial credit; see the Project Guide for more information.
Reading Diaries. As you move on to your Reading Diary posts for Week 3, I want to urge everyone to take a look back at the assignment instructions so that you can think about the best strategy for your style of taking notes: Myth-Folklore Diaries - Indian Epics Diaries. You don't need to do a plot summary, for example. Instead, you really can focus on what you find more valuable and attention-getting, just recording your favorite details in the reading; you don't have to cover everything. You can always go back and check the plot details later, but what you need to capture in your Diary is the experience of reading — those transient thoughts, feelings, and ideas that you have while reading which you might not remember unless you write them down!
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Caffeine Causality Loop. Are you already stuck in a caffeine causality loop this semester? I think I am! :-)

Indian Words in English: Today's word from India in English is YOGA, which is an ancient Indian practice going back thousands of years; the word comes to English from Sanskrit. For details, see this blog post.

Featured Storybook: Queen of the Underworld. From rebellious teenager to Queen of the Underworld, Persephone has stories to tell that are full of drama and intrigue.

Free Book Online: The First Book of Adam and Eve edited by by Rutherford Platt. This blog post provides additional information about the contents of the book which is a fascinating work of apocryphal literature telling about the lives of Adam and Eve after God expels them from the Garden of Eden.

India Comic Book: The Sons of Rama: Luv and Kush — The Invincible Twins. This blog post provides a detailed reading guide for this comic book which is on Reserve in Bizzell Library. The dramatic adventures of Rama and Sita's twin sons are a fascinating, and controversial, part of Valmiki's Ramayana.

Words of Wisdom: Today's proverb poster is No chick ever came from a fried egg (a Latin proverb). Details at the Proverb Lab. This is a rhyming proverb in Latin: Ex frixis PULLUS ovis numquam venit ULLUS. The lesson is don't fry your eggs before they've hatched!

Today's Video: Raise Your Mask Purim by the Ein Prat Fountainheads in Israel. Some of you may be reading about Esther in the Bible Women unit this week for Myth-Folklore, so I thought you might enjoy this very creative Purim video which tells Esther's story.
Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat knows that learning should be fun: Follow your enthusiasm! Details at the blog.

Event on Campus: It's the IMMORTALES TOGA PARTY starting at 7PM tonight at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum tonight! You are encouraged to wear a toga to the party, and there will be a DJ, food, and a photo booth, plus a concert by The Royal Dukes on the museum’s lawn. (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online. And a big THANK YOU to all the people who shared announcements via their blog posts; I really appreciate it!
Note: You can page back through the older blog posts to see any announcements you might have missed, and you can check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day.