HAPPY FRIDAY! You have reached the end of Week 15... and the end of the class! Today at NOON is the deadline for any remaining work you want to turn in. Below you will find some important information about the end of the class:

Check your blogs for comments. People have been leaving comments on blog posts and blog comment walls up until the last day of class, so make sure you take a look at the comments on your blog to see if there is anything new!

Blogs and Websites. I hope very much that you will want to leave your Storybooks and Portfolios online; more information here: Storybook and Blog Options.

Course Evaluation. If you have not filled out the course evaluation yet at eval.ou.edu, I hope you will take a minute to do that — you might even win an iPad! You can still do that on Saturday or Sunday; the evaluation window closes on Sunday, May 8. Your feedback is really important, especially for the online course program, which is still considered something new at OU. I'm also grateful for any suggestions you have, and I've gotten some good ideas already from your reflection posts this week!

Class Announcements. If you are subscribed to the class announcements by email, you can decide if you want to stay on the list or unsubscribe (there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email). I plan to do a lot of reading this summer, and I'll be using this blog to share information about free books that I find online, and I'll also keep using the class Twitter during the summer too!

Grades. I have been recording the final grades in Desire2Learn as each person finishes the class, and I will file those grades in Ozone this afternoon.

And, last but not least, a big THANK YOU to everybody for all your great work in this class. I had a really wonderful time, and I hope that the class was a good learning experience for you too. Keep on reading and writing!

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For the video today, I thought you might enjoy Eric Whitacre's virtual choir, which is composed of thousands of voices singing together to tell a beautiful story: Fly to Paradise. You can learn more at Eric Whitacre's website.

I'll also still be updating the Twitter feed during the summer. You can follow that at @OnlineMythIndia.