Wednesday, June 29

I spent most of yesterday working on adding books to the Freebookapalooza blog, so that's what I wanted to write about here: I focused on the African and African-American sections, and I found some great books!

In the Africa section, I found another book by Elphinstone Dayrell; I already have his Southern Nigerian stories in the UnTextbook, and now there is also a book of Ikom stories, also from Nigeria!

And for the African-American section, I collected all the Brer Rabbit stories, going beyond just the two books that I already used in the UnTextbook. So, for example, you can now search and browse all the Brer Rabbit story titles:

And since I was definitely pursuing my curiosity today, I thought this would be a good growth mindset cat to use in the announcements: Constant, endless curiosity is what feeds your abilities.

As always, see the Online Myth India Twitter stream for more stuff, and there's also a Growth Mindset Twitter stream now too!