Canvas Calendar. I was really excited today as I explored the Canvas Calendar and learned more about how it works: even though we do not use the system so much for this class (the blogs are where the classwork really happens!), I am hoping that the Canvas Calendar will be a big plus. Unlike D2L, there can be a due date AND a grace period for each assignment, and the calendar works like a real online calendar; you can even get a calendar feed that will let you display all the Canvas events in some other calendar like Outlook or Google. Very cool! Here is a video about the various Canvas Calendar features:
And today's Growth Mindset Cat is excited about trying new things:

You might recognize the quote; it's one from Michael Jordan that you will find on various memes. Here is the one that inspired me to make the cat: I can accept failure; everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying.

As always, see the Online Myth India Twitter stream for more stuff.