Sunday, January 29

Today is Sunday of Week 2. Make sure you finish the end-of-week assignments today, and you might want to do some extra credit assignments also. Hopefully you can get started on next week too! You can find all the assignments at the Class Calendar.

Class Procedures and Reminders

Canvas and Blogger Tech Tips. Each week, there are lots of different extra credit options, including Tech Tips; you might even want to do several Tech Tips (week 2, week 3, week 4, and so on). In particular, you might want to take a look at the Canvas Tech Tips and Blogger Tech Tips.

Project Stack. (repeat announcement) The one assignment each week that you turn in by email is your Project assignment, and I'll then send you back detailed comments by email. Since it often takes me until the end of the week to work my way through all the Project assignments, I keep an online list of assignments in "The Stack" so you can check the Stack to make sure I received your email. I don't do school work over the weekends, but I will update the Stack periodically as people send in their Project assignments.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Storytelling. Do you remember the cartoonist Tom Gauld from back in Week 1? He did the Holiday Home Map, and here's another of his wonderful cartoons:

Reading. Here is a great graphic from the Last Lemon: There's no such thing as too many books.

Word from Mythology. This supernatural creature from Greek mythology is now a commonly used English word: SIREN.

Featured Storybook. This project is from the Indian Epics class: Janaki's Journal: Sita's Story in Her Own Words. After Sita returns to the earth, her twin sons find her journal, which relates the story of their mother's life as they had never heard it told before.

Free Book Online: Today's free book is Stories from the Rabbis by Abraham S. Isaacs. See the Freebookapalooza blog for links and the table of contents. For any of you in Myth-Folklore who chose to read Landa's Jewish fairy tales, you might enjoy this book too!

Words of Wisdom: Today's saying is Dig a well before you are thirsty (a Chinese proverb). Find out more at the Proverb Lab. This applies to real wells... and to metaphorical resources too.

Video: The video for today is a wonderful Mister Rogers remix: Garden of Your Mind. I grew up watching Mister Rogers (his show premiered in 1968, when I was four years old), and I know he had a very positive impact on my creative life as a child: It's good to be curious about many things. You can think about things and make believe. All you have to do is think . . . and they grow.

Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat needs a blog for learning and sharing: Learn, and then share what you learned. You can find out more at the Growth Mindset blog.

Event on Campus: It's the Third Norman Chess Festival today (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

January 29: Alfred Church. Today marks the birthday of Alfred John Church in 1829. Church was the author of many books on classical subjects, and those of you in Myth-Folklore might know his Iliad book already; you can see a selection of his books at the Freebookapalooza, and you can read more about his life and career at Wikipedia. One of his most unusual books is this one: Stories of the Magicians, which contains stories taken from the Persian epic known as the Shahnama and also from Robert Southey's epic poem Thalaba.

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.