Class Procedures and Reminders
Canvas grace period. For those of you who didn't finish all the Tuesday assignments, there a Canvas "grace period" on Wednesday morning until noon. Canvas marks the assignment late when you turn it in after the due date, but there's no penalty in terms of points. It's basically a "no-questions-asked" extension the next morning until noon. You need to try to do the work on the due date, but there is a grace period the next morning for when life's surprises get in the way of your plans.
Blogs. The blogs are looking great... and there are so many of them now: thank you for all your good work on that! I'll keep commenting on the Introductions today as they come in, and I will try to get to all the Introductions this week, but if I don't finish this week, I'll finish up next week for sure. Meanwhile, tomorrow afternoon (Thursday) I'll put you all into blog groups so you can do the blog commenting assignment. More on that in tomorrow's announcements!
CAS Orientation. You may have received an email from the College of Arts and Sciences about an online orientation; you can just ignore that if this is your only online course, but if you are doing another online course, you might need to do the CAS orientation. For this class, though, I have my own orientation as you already know. :-)
The following items are for fun and exploration:
#WhyIWrite. Here's a graphic to inspire you if you are writing a story today; find out more at the Writing Lab.
Superheroes. And here's an unusual superhero to inspire you: spider-dog.
Word from Mythology. In addition to words from India, I'll be sharing words from mythology, like the word for today, which is the name of today's day: Wednesday, from the name of the Norse god, Woden, also known as Odin.
Featured Storybook. This project is from the Myth-Folklore class: The Tales of Garden Creatures. Cocoa and the other little dogs who live in the garden are at war with the pixies, trolls, and gnomes. These dogs have seen things going on in the garden that the humans do not even suspect, like when Cocoa is kidnapped by an evil, amorous gnome. Who will be brave enough to rescue her from the gnome kingdom?
Words of Wisdom: Today's saying is a modern neo-Latin proverb: Draco dormiens numquam titillandus, "Never tickle a sleeping dragon" (the motto of Hogwarts). Find out more at the Proverb Lab. Not all the Latin from the world of Harry Potter is grammatically correct, but this nice saying is quite correct!
Video: The video for today is something to inspire you in your writing for this class: We Need A Bigger Definition of Creativity. Find out more at the Writing Lab.
Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat is for all of you who are blogging for the first time in this class: Do things you've never done before. You can find out more at the Growth Mindset blog.
Event on Campus: Interested in Tai Chi? You can do Tai Chi at Sam Noble Museum this morning at 9AM, with Pilates on Thursday and Yoga on Friday (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.