Tuesday, March 28

Today is Tuesday of WEEK 10, and I've re-arranged the Modules area in Canvas so the new week is on top. If you have not done any reading for this week yet, you should do some reading today. Here is a link to this week's assignments.

Class Procedures and Reminders

Projects. Yesterday, I managed to read and reply to the projects turned in on Saturday before 6PM, and today I will finish the Saturday assignments and move on to the assignments from Sunday morning. Meanwhile, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.

Looking ahead. (repeat announcement) There are five weeks left in the semester plus Dead Week, so it's a good idea to have your plan in place for finishing up the semester, especially if your goal is to finish early. If you are aiming for an A, you should have 245 points right now, or around 265 if you want to finish before Dead Week. For more details, see this Grading Chart.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Writing. The first rule of Thesaurus Club:

Creativity. Advice from Scott Adams: Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

Spelling. It's another one of those sneaky word pairs: NAVAL versus NAVEL.

Featured Storybook. This project is from the Indian Epics class: Onboard the Spaceship Pushpaka. The spaceship Pushpaka is visiting a solar system where each planet has its own special connection to one of Vishnu's avatars back in the ancient days of the far away planet Earth.

Free Book Online: Today's free book is Yaqui Myths and Legends by Ruth Warner Giddings. See the Freebookapalooza blog for links and the table of contents, and you can learn more about the Yaqui people at Wikipedia.

Words of Wisdom: Today's saying is If the string is long, the kite will fly high (a Chinese proverb). Find out more at the Proverb Lab. I try to organize this class as a type of "long string" so that you can fly high!

Video: The video for today is Ravi Shankar with his daughter Anoushka Shankar performing together in concert. You can find out more at Wikipedia.

Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat is knows that questions are how you grow your knowledge: To learn, start by asking a question. You can find out more at the Growth Mindset blog.

Event on Campus: There will auditions for "Outspoken" in the Crimson Room in the Union from 3:30-7:30PM (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

March 28: Gudhi Padwa. This year, the Indian New Year's holiday of Gudhi Padwa falls on March 28/29 (the date varies from year to year based on the lunar calendar), celebrating Brahma's creation of the universe and also Rama's victory over Ravana. You can read more at Wikipedia. People create rangoli designs for this holiday, and you can see more festivities by following Gudhi Padwa at Twitter:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.