Class Procedures and Reminders
Project Stack. Yesterday I read and replied to all the assignments turned in by 5PM on Friday. Today I will keep making my way through the stack; my goal is to get started on the Sunday assignments before today is over! While you are waiting on comments back from me about your Project assignment, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.
Extra Credit. As you are doing the reading this week, remember that you can research anything that catches your interest and write up a Wikipedia Trail for extra credit. Find out more in the extra credit section of this week's assignments.
Storybooks. For the Halloween holiday, I wanted to make sure to share these Storybook projects!
- OU's Haunted Halls (Dana): The second story here is a choose-your-own-haunting in Cate Center.
- BOO-mer Sooner: Scary Stories (Sonali): Meeting OU's ghosts becomes part of the first-year experience.
- Ghost Stories (McKenna): Mrs. Hudson is a murder victim who will not leave her house, even after she is dead.
- Monsters of the Native Americans (Collin): These are horror stories gathered from different tribal traditions.
- In the Seven Woods (Bridget): This Storybook is set in an otherworldly setting, and the time is ... Samhain.
- Indian Horror (Josh): This is about the mysterious horror that engulfs the town of Serendipity, Oklahoma.
The following HALLOWEEN items are for fun and exploration:
Class Twitter. From yesterday's Twitter @OnlineMythIndia, here is an invitation from the History of Science Collections in Bizzell to come color their Halloween coloring pages:

Indian Words in English: Today's word from India in English is in honor ofHalloween candy... because the word CANDY comes to English via Arabic qandi and Sanskrit khanda. For details, see this blog post.

And here's another OU Haunted Stories video:
Event on Campus: The WGS Halloween Bash will be from 1PM-3PM in Robertson 100 with cookie-decorating and pumpkins (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
As always, see the Online Myth India Twitter stream for more stuff. There should be some fun Halloween items there during the day! :-)