Class Procedures and Reminders
Project Stack. If you are turning in a Week 9 Project today, make sure you are extra careful in checking to make sure the assignment is done. Because of my schedule this week, I probably won't be sending back comments until I get back to the office on Thursday (depending on my Internet access while I am at Creighton), which means you need to be sure your Project is safe to sit in the stack. So, read each item on the checklist before you send in your email, and I'll be updating the stack later today. And if you have any questions, make sure you contact me today — don't wait until Monday.
Extra Credit. The Backup-and-Review option is a perfect one for the last day of the week! Find out more in the extra credit section of this week's assignments.
Finishing the class. One student who has been working ahead and doing extra credit finished the class this weekend: congratulations, Rosa! There are a few more people who are close to finishing and, when you are done, you will see a "Finished!" form in the Canvas menu where you can let me know you have completed the course. It's never too late to start working ahead and doing extra credit if you want to finish this course early in order to give yourself time for the end-of-semester crunch in your other classes.
Class wiki. A few people had problems accessing the class wiki yesterday, so I've reposted these alternate links for the assignments. If you run into any problems, those links should give you what you need to finish Week 9 and also to get started on Week 10. I think everything should be working fine, but I'll keep reposting this list of alternate links just in case. :-)
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Class Twitter. From yesterday's Twitter @OnlineMythIndia, here is an item connected to yesterday's holiday of Bhaj Dooj, also known as Yama Dwitiya, as explained by Devdutt Pattanaik:

Storybook Archive. This project is from the Indian Epics class: Barney's Blog: How to Be Awesome. Barney Stinson's been on a brocation in India! Read his Findings, and then check out the Playbook along with Barney's Mail Sack, all filled with Barney's advice to his lovelorn and fashion-conscious fans.

Story of the Day. Today's story is from Aesop's fables: The Farmer, His Sons, and the Treasure. In this story, a farmer tricks his sons into working hard with promises of buried treasure.

Video: The video for today is a video trailer for a graphic novel: Krishna: Defender of Dharma. This is one of the Krishna reading options for Indian Eipcs next week; find out more at the reading guides.
Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat is a curious cat, and the future belongs to the curious. You can find out more at the Growth Mindset blog. I am a fan of curiosity. :-)

Event on Campus: The OU Haunted Lab is back today, 1PM-3PM in the Physical Sciences Center (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
October 22: Dulac. Today is the birthday of Edmund Dulac, who was born on this day in 1882. He is one of my favorite book illustrators! You can read more about his life and work at Wikipedia. Here is one of his illustrations to Sindbad the Sailor:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.