Tuesday, January 30

Today is Tuesday of Week 3, and I've re-arranged the Modules area in Canvas so the new week is on top. Reading A is due today, and the blog commenting assignment is also ready to go! Here is a link to this week's assignments.

Class Procedures and Reminders

Success Tips: Enjoy the comments. You are probably getting email notifications about your blog comments, and you can also check your blog comments anytime from the blog dashboard; all the comments on all the posts are viewable there.

Week 3 Blog Comments. The blog commenting for Week 3 is ready to go, and now there are stories to read! So, for Week 3, you will be reading stories from Week 2, plus more Introductions. The idea is that you will read stories by two different people and you will also read the Introductions of those two people so that you will learn a little bit about them. The assignment is not due until the end of the week, but you might want to do that now, before you write your own story for this week; sometimes reading other people's stories can inspire your own creativity.

Project Stack. If you turned in a project assignment before 8PM on Saturday, you should have gotten comments back from me. I'll finish up the Saturday assignments today and move on to the assignments turned in Sunday. While you are waiting on comments back from me about your Project assignment, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog Stream. Some people have already written a story for this week, and I wanted to share Stephan's story for Indian Epics because it is a really nice example of taking an epic story from India and adapting it to a European fairy-tale cast of characters, with a wizard in place of Ravana, the shape-shifting rakshasa of the Indian epic: The Enchanting Silver Stallion.

Myth Item. Some of you in Myth-Folklore will be learning about Queen Esther this week, so I could not resist sharing this version of her story: Purim, As Told By Cat GIFs. The story begins with ... King Ahasuerus:

India Video: This video from Epified has some Ramayana-Potter parallels: Harry Potter Meets Hindu Mythology.

Myth Book Online: Today's free book is Legends of Saints and Birds by Agnes A. Hilton. See the Freebookapalooza blog for links and the table of contents.

Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is: You be a worker, and God will be your helper. Find out more at the Proverb Laboratory. The Latin original rhymes! Esto laborator et erit Deus auxiliator.

Writing: Here's an item to remind you that there are stories everywhere: Rock-Paper-Scissors.

Reading: As you are doing the reading this week, you can think about it as new software for your brain.

Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat knows all about brain software: Picture your brain forming new connections. You can find out more at the Growth Mindset blog.

Video: I really enjoyed this article in the OU DailyOU professor Gary Davis brings American Sign Language classes, culture to students, so I wanted to share this brilliant video: Deaf People Teach Us Bad Words. Human languages in all their forms are an incredible source of expression!

Event on Campus: At 1PM today, W. Jackson Rushing will offer a gallery talk about the Generations exhibition at the FJJMA (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

January 30: Assassination of Gandhi. On January 30 in 1948, Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated. The image below shows the memorial in New Delhi with these words written in golden letters: "Hey Ram" (Oh Rama!), reportedly the words Gandhi uttered as he was shot. Historians debate whether those were Gandhi's last words, but here is something Gandhi wrote in December 1947, just weeks before his assassination: "In the end it will be as Rama commands me. Thus I dance as He pulls the strings. I am in His hands and so I am experiencing ineffable peace."

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.