Sunday, April 15

Today is Sunday of Week 12. You need to finish the end-of-week assignments today, and maybe do some extra credit if you want to finish early. You can find all the assignments for this week and the rest of the semester at the Class Calendar.

Update: Someone reported to me that the class wiki with the assignment instructions was loading very slowly for her, so I've put all the links and randomizers you need here: Week 12. That is a page here at the blog, separate from the wiki. The wiki site is loading fine for me, but I wanted to put up that page of links just in case.

Class Procedures and Reminders

Success Tip: Keep practicing your feedback skills. Writing is something that takes practice, and it also takes practice to give feedback to people on their writing. Here's an article to give you some ideas: Does Your Feedback Feed Forward?

Project Stack. The sooner you get in your project, the sooner you'll get comments back from me! I'll be updating the stack periodically over the weekend, so you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog Stream. I always enjoy the Wikipedia Trail posts, and here's one from Marielle: From Humpty Dumpty to Ancient Rome.

India Item. Here's a fun graphic from Amar Chitra Katha at Twitter about the serpent king Shesha and the creation of the Seshachalam Hills. And yes, we have this Tirupati comic book on Reserve in Bizzell!

Myth Video: Those of you in Indian Epics might know Nina Paley's Sita Sings the Blues. Now she has a new film about to come out, and this weekend she released the trailer: Sedermashochism.

India Comic Book: Today's comic book is Durga: Tales of the Mother Goddess. See the Amar Chitra Katha blog for the Bizzell Reserve call number and more information.

Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is from Estonia: The one who is not strong enough to lift the stone must roll it. Find out more at the Proverb Laboratory. I made the poster using one of the stone dwarves of Wrocław!

Writing: I thought this was a fun infographic: Why Writers Make Incredible Friends.

Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat is one of the feedback cats: Feedback is your cue to rethink and revise. You can find out more at the Growth Mindset blog.

H.E.A.R.T.: And here is some more feedback advice, this time from one of my favorite authors, Brene Brown: Daring Greatly.

Video: And here's a TED talk from Brene Brown: The Power of Vulnerability.

Event on Campus: It's Open Streets today in Norman 1PM-5PM (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

April 15: Leonardo da Vinci. Today marks the birthday in the year 1452 of the remarkable Leonardo da Vinci, who was a genius in math, science and engineering, as well as being a famous painter and sculptor. You can read about his remarkable life and career in Wikipedia. You probably know his "Vitruvian Man," so here's a TED video about that, and Vitruvian Man also has a Wikipedia article.

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.