Finishing up. When you have the points you need (410/A, 360/B, 320/C, 301/D), just fill out the "Finished" form in Canvas, and you are good to go!
My schedule today. I'll be out of the office for most of the day today, but you should able to finish up everything you need to do at Canvas. If you have any questions, you can send me an email, and I'll get back to you if/when I'm back online today.
Project Stack. On Wednesday I managed to get through everything in the stack. Some of you may be turning in final revisions today, and there's no special checklist for that: you just read through the pages in your project to see if everything looks good to you, and then send in an email when you're done. That's the Week 15 Project assignment!
ICYMI: In Case You Missed It. Here are some of my favorite items from announcements earlier in the semester. The items below come from Week 10 and Week 11.
India Item. From the amazing sand artist Sudarsan Pattanaik, here is some Hanuman sand art:

Writing: Here are some wise words from the great novelist Neil Gaiman.

Video: OK Go has made a whole series of brilliant videos, but I think this one is my favorite: The One Moment. Find out more about how they made the video at NPR: OK Go's New Video.

Myth Item. You can find out more about this map at NPR: Map Of Native American Tribes.

Myth Video: And here is an item from the Smithsonian: Native American Ledger Art. Find out more at Wikipedia: Ledger Art.
H.E.A.R.T.: As you contemplate your future, think about Your Purpose.

Video: And in the spirit of hugging the trees, I wanted to share this Maati Baani video in defense of the trees of Mumbai: Chipko Re.
Event on Campus: Looking for somewhere to study? Wagner is open 24 hours through May 11 (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.