Class Procedures and Reminders
Browser Word Count. If you're looking for a useful Tech Tip, you can install a word counter in your browser. Here are instructions for the Chrome Word Counter, and you can find something similar for other browsers I'm sure.
Project Stack. I've replied to all the assignments turned in on Sunday, and I'll finish replying to all the Week 3 assignments in the stack today, plus as many of the Week 4 assignments as I can. Meanwhile, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. Jasmin has been making memes, and here is one with her Friday mood.
India Video. And for some more music, here is Maati Baani's tribute to India's farmers: Saccha Mitr.
India Item. Now that all of you in Indian Epics have seen Hanuman in action, here is a Hanuman folk legend: The Ebony Tree.

Writing. Punctuation Personalities. I am mostly a semi-colon, with a dash of dash. What about you?

And here's a thought about teaching and learning from Ezra Bayda:

Growth Mindset Cats. This cat knows that learning is a multi-step process: I think. I design. I create. I invent. I reflect. I learn.

September 14: Typewriter ribbon. Today marks the anniversary of the day in 1886 when George Anderson of Memphis, Tennessee patented the typewriter ribbon. And yes, I learned to type on a manual Royal typewriter, complete with a typewriter ribbon. You can read an article about the history of the typewriter at Wikipedia. Below is an old Hermes typewriter — a good name: Hermes was the messenger of the Greek gods, and he also invented the Greek alphabet.

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.