Class Procedures and Reminders
Extra credit now for midterms. Some of you will probably have midterm exams starting up in a couple of weeks in your other classes. If you do some extra credit now, you can build up your points so that you can take a week off in this class when things get intense in your other classes. This Chart shows how your week by week progress works in this class.
Call me Laura. As I mentioned earlier in the semester, please just call me Laura! I'm on a first-name basis with all of you, so it just makes sense for you to use my first name too. Really!
Project Stack. I'll update the stack periodically today so you can check the stack to make sure I received your email. The sooner you turn in your project today, the sooner you'll get comments back from me (it takes me usually all week to get through the whole stack).
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. Wikipedia Trails are a great way to do research for your project or just to pursue something you are curious about! Here is one Brenna did that started from the class Twitter: Enchanted Rock (Texas) to the Common Buttercup.
Myth Video. And from the Mediterranean world, here is another Crash Course video: Pantheons of the Ancient Mediterranean.
Myth Item. And here's a proverb, one of many in English, that comes from an Aesop's fable: Be not made a cat's paw. Some of you in Myth-Folklore may have read the fable of the monkey, the cat, and the chestnuts last week.
Writing. And here is some cat grammar humor: Claws and Clauses.

Growth Mindset Cats. Meanwhile, this cat knows that to write well, you must practice.

Looking for a place to study? Bizzell is open until 2AM on Sunday nights! I am a great fan of libraries: This is a Library.

Event on Campus. Today is the last day of "Visual Voices: Contemporary Chickasaw Art" at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art (details).
September 9: Tolstoy. Today is the birthday of Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer and thinker, in the year 1828; he died in 1910. You can find out more about his life and work at Wikipedia, and you might enjoy looking at his book Fables for Children. He became a Christian anarchist and a pacifist; you can read more at Wikiquote: