Tuesday, October 9

Today is Tuesday of Week 8. Here is a link to the Week 8 assignments, and I hope you enjoy the review assignments. I'd recommend doing all three of the review posts together; it will be a more productive reflection that way I suspect!

Class Procedures and Reminders

Getting ahead of deadlines. Getting out in front of the deadlines can be a big boost for the rest of the semester. If you do all three review posts today, you might be able to do the project, feedback, and comments tomorrow (for many of you, that project is a free pass in Week 8), clearing the way to get started on Week 9... and if you can do that now, you might be able to stay ahead all semester.

Project Stack. If you turned in an assignment before 3PM on Saturday, you should have comments from me now, and I'll keep working through the Saturday assignments today. You can check the stack to make sure I received your email.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog Stream. As you are thinking about planning your time, I wanted to share this post from Arti: Famous Last Words: Am I Wasting My Time? (And notice that nifty Indian flag in the browser bar tab when you click on her blog post? Arti added as a favicon to her blog, which is a Tech Tip.)

Featured Storybook. This Storybook is about far-away travels: Adventures through the East. Travel to Thailand, Nepal and India, with Hanuman himself as your travel guide, along with some help from Jambavan and Sugriva.

India Video. Here's a video about the ashramas, a.k.a. Stages of Life.

Myth Video. Here's another of Amy Burvall's mash-ups, this time about Chinese Dynasties ("Vogue" by Madonna).

Myth Item. And here is a proverb from China: A weasel comes to say Happy New Year to the chickens. Watch out, chickens! It's like the fox guarding the hen-house, but with a weasel instead.

Writing. Another example of how punctuation saves lives: Let's eat, Grandma.

And Review Week is a good time to Compare the Lists.

Growth Mindset Cats. Today's cat reminds you to never stop asking questions.

Remember "feedforward" from back in Week 3? Here's a video about that idea: Feedforward: Coaching For Behavioral Change.

Event on Campus. The Neustadt Festival featuring prize winner Edwidge Danticat begins this evening with a reception in the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art from 6:30-8:30 PM; see the complete list of events in this OU Daily article.

Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

October 9: Amjad Ali Khan. Today is the birthday of Amjad Ali Khan, the great sarod player; you can find out more about his life and career at Wikipedia and at his website, sarod.com. Here is a video of him performing last year: enjoy!

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.