and safe travels to those of you on the road!
When you have more than what you need,
build a longer table, not a higher fence.
Class Procedures and Remindersbuild a longer table, not a higher fence.
Project Stack. If you turned in a Week 12 assignment, you should have gotten comments back from me last week, and I'll start working my way through the stack again on Monday after the break. Meanwhile, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email. I'll try to update the stack periodically during the break.
Finishing the class. I'm guessing some of you will want to finish up the class during the break, which is great! As soon as you reach the points for the grade you want, you are done with the class. There is more information about how that works here: Class Progress. All the assignments for Week 13, Week 14, and Week 15 are available in Canvas for those of you who want to take the break to work ahead. There is no need to wait: go, go, go! If you can finish up this class now, that will give you more time to focus on finals and end-of-semester projects in your other classes.
My schedule. I'll be traveling for most of the break, but if you have a question, send me an email, and I'll reply when I am back online again. If it's something that urgently needs a reply, put "important" in the subject line to help make sure I see it.
The following items are for Thanks-Giving and gratitude:
Being Grateful. You might enjoy this article from the New York Times: Choose to Be Grateful. It Will Make You Happier by Arthur C. Brooks.
The Amazing Effects of Gratitude from PBS Studios.
Gratitude by Louie Schwartzberg, featuring the words of Brother David Steindl-Rast.
And here is Brother David Steindl-Rast's TED talk: Want to be happy? Be grateful.
And from India, here is a Thanksgiving kolam:
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.