Class Procedures and Reminders
Tech Tips: Canvas. There are a lot of different Tech Tips options, and the Canvas tips can be really helpful at the start of the semester, like setting up your Canvas notifications.
Project Stack. As project assignment emails come in over the weekend, I'll periodically update the stack so you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. Carrying on with the tour of favorite places, here's one of Elyse's photos of Venice, Italy. Beautiful!

Free Audiobook. Today's free audiobook is Old Indian Legends by Zitkala-Sa. For more about this important Lakota writer, see below.
India Video. As you get ready for the Ramayana next week in Indian Epics, you might be interested in this Crash Course video: Rama and the Ramayana.
India Item. Here's a fun PDF online with lots of Ganesha stories for anyone who is curious about this popular Indian deity, the god of new beginnings: Stories of Lord Ganesha.
This thought comes from one of my favorite cartoonists, Mollycules (Molly Hahn) of Buddha Doodles: Choose to be optimistic.

Growth Mindset Cats. What you believe drives what you will learn: Changing your view can change your outcome.

In the spirit of growth mindset, this is a short video on The Biology of Positivity.
Event on Campus. You can see a performance of the Young Choreographers' Showcase tonight at 8PM in the Reynolds Performing Arts Center (details): The showcase features 12 pieces that tell stories each choreographer has a personal connection with.
January 26. Zitkala-Sa. Today marks the anniversary of the death in 1938 of the Lakota writer, Zitkala-Sa ("Red Bird"); she was born in 1876. You can read more about her life and career at Wikipedia. The University of Oklahoma Press recently published a biography of this amazing woman: Red Bird, Red Power: The Life and Legacy of Zitkála-Šá.

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.