Class Procedures and Reminders
Extra credit. There is extra credit available starting in Week 2, and remember: you don't have to wait until the end of Week 2 to do the extra credit! So, if you were interested in some of those extra credit options, do some Week 2 extra credit now, and then you can move on to the regular Week 2 assignments after doing some extra credit first. Extra credit is a great way to start the new week!
My schedule. (repeat announcement) Over the weekend I do not answer emails as quickly because I'm not at my desk like during the week, but as soon as I am back online, I'll reply to any questions you have. You can also look through the past class announcements from this week where you might find answers to questions that come up.
THANK YOU! (repeat announcement) I want to say a big thank-you to everybody in the class; we now have an awesome blog network full of ideas and images. I know that blogging is new to a lot of you, and I hope you will enjoy all the opportunities to connect and share that a blog network makes possible.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. Here's a "favorite place" photo closer to home; this is Lindsay in front of the modern art museum in Fort Worth, Texas. Find out more in her blog post: The Modern.

Free Audiobook. Today's free audiobook has a moon connection also: The Book of Were-Wolves by Sabine Baring-Gould.
Myth Video. Here's a different kind of mash-up, this time by Amy Burvall: The Odyssey with "Across the Universe" by the Beatles. And you can check out Amy's YouTube channel for more.
Myth Item. And another mash-up: this time it's a medieval tapestry plus Star Wars: Bayeux Star Wars (see that link for a translation of the Latin).

Writing. I hope this class can inspire you to try different kind of writing experiments: Why We Need Creative Writing.

People of all ages can enjoy an Imagination Celebration:

Growth Mindset Cats. Even cats might need to think creatively.

And here's a fun video about creativity inspired by one of Islam Abudaoud's graphics: 29 Ways to Stay Creative (click that link to see the graphic).
Event on Campus. There will be a Lunar Eclipse Watch Party tonight at the Sam Noble Museum, starting at 8:36PM (details).
January 20. Today is World Religion Day, celebrated on the third Sunday of January each year. You can read more at Wikipedia. The holiday began in the Bahai religious community and has now spread, so that it is now observed around the world by many different religious communities, celebrating religious unity and world peace through world religion: So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth (poster).
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.