Thursday, January 17

Today is Thursday of Week 1, and here is a link to these Orientation Week assignments. I hope you will enjoy learning about "growth mindset" today, and you'll also be writing your Introduction blog post.

Class Procedures and Reminders

Ask questions. Please feel free to contact me with questions at any time, and if I happen to be online, I will write you back right away. Asking questions is how you learn... and it helps me know what things I need to explain more clearly about the class. So, no need to apologize at all: if you have a question, just ask!

Blog links and images. I wanted to remind everybody to make sure you are creating clickable links with link text in your blog posts. Instead of just pasting in the http address, it's much more useful to create your own text link! More info here: Links in Blogger.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog Stream. Here's another great picture from a "favorite places" post; this time it is one of Madison's pictures of Scotland: Scotland, Both City and Country.

Free Book Online. Today's free book is A Flowering Tree And Other Oral Tales from India by A. K. Ramanujan, a marvelous scholar of Indian literature and folklore. Most of the free online books are public domain (pre-1924), but this fabulous book was published in 1997 and it's available online thanks to the generosity of the University of California Press:

Free Audiobook. Today's free audiobook is A Book of Fairy-Tale Bears by Clifton Johnson. This is a collection of fairy tales from different countries that feature bear characters!

Featured Storybook. This Storybook is a wonderful combination of history and legend: Queen Eleanor is imprisoned, and the visits of storytellers from around the world provide her only solace.

Myth Video. Not surprisingly there is a lot of folklore and mythology about the winds and weather; here's a short video from the BBC: The Four Winds.

India Video. And here's a video from Epified about Sacred Trees, with an emphasis on the sacred trees of Indian tradition.

India Item. This is an ancient Indian proverb about trees: The tree does not withdraw its shade even from the woodcutter.

And here is some Advice from a Tree:

Writing. Anyone with bad handwriting can relate to this: Perils of Cursive... a lemon is NOT a demon. :-)

Growth Mindset Cats. You'll be learning about growth mindset today, and I'll be sharing a new growth mindset cat each day in the announcements: I am excited by new ideas.

Creativity is part of a growth mindset too, so here's A Bigger Definition of Creativity.

Event on Campus. It's International Students Game Night tonight in Farzaneh Hall 6PM-8PM with games, snacks and fun! (details)

Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

January 17: Benjamin Franklin. Today is the birthday of Benjamin Franklin, polymath and politician, who was born in 1706. For more about his remarkable life and accomplishments, see this Wikipedia article. There is also a delightful bit of Latin verse composed in Franklin's honor by the French statesman Turgot: Eripuit caelo fulmen, sceptrumque tyrannis, "He ripped the lightning from the sky, and the sceptre from the tyrants." The painting below shows "Benjamin Franklin Drawing Electricity from the Sky," by Benjamin West (Philadelphia Museum of Art).

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.