Class Procedures and Reminders
Week 12 Reading. In Myth-Folklore, Week 12 is the first British/Celtic week (details), and in Indian Epics, it's start of the free reading weeks: more epics, more jatakas, more gods and goddesses — whatever inspires you (details). I hope you will enjoy the reading this week, and if those of you in India Epics would like some reading selection advice, just let me know what you're looking for, and I'll try to help!
Project Stack. If you turned in a project before noon on Saturday, you should have comments back from me now, and I'll keep working on the Saturday assignments today. Meanwhile, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. Lance has added a favicon to his blog; he used his initials, LJ, which looks really cool! You can learn how to add a favicon to your blog with this Tech Tip. You can use an existing ico file, or you can design your own using a free fool like this Favicon Generator:
Free Book Online. Today's free book is a beautiful collection of stories from India: Indian Fables and Folklore by Shovona Devi.

Free Audiobook. Today's free audiobook is A Book of Fairy-Tale Bears by Clifton Johnson. This is a collection of fairy tales from different countries that feature bear characters:

Featured Storybook. This is one of my favorite projects from last year: How to Join an Immortal Girl Gang. The goddess Artemis travels the world, from Greece to Sumeria and finally to India, hearing stories along the way.
India Video. Here's another Epified video about India: Temples in India.
India Item. This is another word from India that we now use in English: AVATAR. This Sanskrit word means a "descent" as when a god descends to earth and takes on an earthly form. This image shows the Dashavatara, the Ten-Avatars, of Vishnu, including Rama and Krishna:

Myth Video. This video is for any fans of Doctor Who: Is Doctor Who a Religion?
Myth Item. This is some Latin dragon lore from Hogwarts; it's the school motto! Never tickle a sleeping dragon. In Latin: Draco dormiens numquam titillandus.
Writing. There are stories everywhere, even on your keyboard: Control and Escape.

Writing. Here's a thought about dragons from the writer Tom Robbins: We're our own dragons as well as our own heroes, and we have to rescue ourselves from ourselves.

Growth Mindset Cats. Here's a growth mindset cat to inspire you for the new reading this week: I am excited by new ideas.

Creativity is part of a growth mindset too, so here's A Bigger Definition of Creativity.
Event on Campus. There will be a chamber music concert today at noon today at the Fred Jones Museum! (details)
Find out more about more events at the Campus Calendar online.
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.
April 9: Tom Lehrer. Today, April 9, is the 91st birthday of Tom Lehrer, born in 1928, an American mathematician and composer of some very funny satirical songs. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOM LEHRER! Here's one of his science songs: The Elements.
And here's one of his mythological songs: Oedipus Rex.
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.