Sunday, August 25

Today is Sunday of Week 1. I hope you are having a fantastic weekend! If you have not finished the Week 1 assignments yet, today is the day to do that. Here is a link to the Week 1 assignments (Orientation). Some of you will be starting on Week 2 this weekend, so here is that link too: Week 2 assignments.

Class Procedures and Reminders

Extra credit. There is extra credit available starting in Week 2, and remember: you don't have to wait until the end of Week 2 to do the extra credit! So, if you were interested in some of those extra credit options, do some Week 2 extra credit now, and then you can move on to the regular Week 2 assignments after doing some extra credit first.

Tech Tips. Each semester, I add new Tech Tips, and I've started adding the new tips for this semester. The Tech Tips are really good for the start of the semester since you might find some tools that will be useful for the rest of the semester or maybe useful for your other classes too.

Saturday announcements. If you did not see !he announcements yesterday, take a look at those now; there's even an extra credit assignment you can do looking back through all of last week's announcements. It's a great way to catch up on anything you missed, and to look for some fun/useful stuff too: Back Up and Review.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog Stream. Continuing with photos from favorite places posts, here is Brianna's lovely picture of a rainbow in Kailua, Hawaii:

Twitter Stream. I thought this was a very cute video at Twitter: teaching and learning are not easy... but there are many ways to succeed too! You can probably guess what the little one does at the end of the video:

Story of the Day. And here's a story about little ones, in this case some little creatures who valiantly stand up to a lion, and who receive a reward for their bravery: How Guinea-Fowls Got Their Spots.

Indian Epics Today. The character of the day today is the elephant-headed god, Ganesha, the god of beginnings, a good god to ponder for the start of this new school year! More about Ganesha. This image shows Ganesha with his consorts Riddhi and Siddhi (and yes, we have a student in Indian Epics class this semester who is named Riddhi!).

Storybooks. In this Storybook, Ganesha is working with the gods and their vahanas, their animal vehicles: Vahana Therapy: Ganesh's Guide to Happiness.

Myth-Folklore Video. Many of the world's stories are religious stories, and this video gives a quick overview of religions in time and space:

Words. And speaking of maps, here's a word from mythology: ATLAS, a Greek Titan who eventually gave his name to books of maps. Find out more.

H.E.A.R.T.. And as you ponder your day today, consider what a precious gift it is: Forget yesterday. It has already forgotten you. Don't sweat tomorrow. You haven't even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift: today.

Mindset Cats. And this growth mindset cat has advice for today and for every day: Do something creative.

Mindset Video. And speaking of creativity, here is a great video from John Spencer: We Need a Bigger Definition of Creativity.

Event on Campus. The Headington College Senior Fellow Family Open House is from 7PM-9PM tonight (details), open to all, with Drs. Keith and Kim Gaddie and the Headington College Bulldogs. Dr. Gaddie is a fun person to follow at Twitter too: @GaddieWindage.

August 25: Walt Kelly. The American cartoonist, Walt Kelly, most famous for his Pogo cartoons, was born on August 25 in 1913; you can find out more at Wikipedia. He worked at Disney on the classic films Snow WhiteFantasia, and Dumbo.The image below is from his Animal Mother Goose book (larger version):

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.