Saturday, March 28

Today is Saturday of Week 10. It was a long week last week, and I hope you can get a chance to breathe this weekend! Here is a link to Week 10 and also a link to Week 9; this is the weekend to finish up any Week 9 assignments that you want to do. All weeks are on the class calendar.

Class Procedures and Reminders

Project Stack. As of Friday, I read and replied to everything in the stack, and I'll start replying on Monday to everything that comes in over the weekend. As always, you can check the stack to make sure I received your form. For those of you who are not sure what you have due, just check the last project email you received from me for details, and if you need me to send you that email again, just let me know!

Deja vu announcements. No, you're not experiencing deja vu! Now that we are moving into the final third of the semester, I'll be recycling some of my favorite items from announcements earlier in the semester, along with new things from the blog stream and Twitter stream as usual. :-)

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog Stream. Happy energy from all the dogs and cats of the Internet and in real life has been a big boost this past week, and Camille made this cute meme at cheezburger: Stop Complaining.

Twitter Stream. Some of you probably know the Awkward Yeti's Heart-and-Brain comics; this one is about how easy it is for your brain to fixate on negative feedback:

And from the Corvid files: you've probably seen those Photoshopped pictures of dolphins in the canals of Venice, right? Well, from OU's Elder Squirrel... the marine life has returned to Lake Thunderbird!

Indian Epics Today. This is Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom and learning, and of music too:

Indian Music Video. As Saraswati is the goddess of music, I thought I would share this music video from Maati Baani, a tribute to India's farmers: Saccha Mitr.

Myth-Folklore Video. Plus a Crash Course video for your viewing enjoyment, all about creation myths:

Myth-Folklore. From the world of Greek mythology, here is the origin of a word we use today in English: cereal is from the name of the Roman goddess of agriculture, Ceres:

Writing. Every letter counts! Here's a funny typo story from one of my favorite cartoonists, Tom Gauld.

HEART Video. We all may be stuck at home right now, but here is Matt Harding dancing his way around the world (see more of his videos here):

March 28: Marc Chagall. Today marks the anniversary of the death of the painter Marc Chagall in 1985; he was born in 1887. You can read more about his life and work in this Wikipedia article. Chagall created amazing dreamscapes combining motifs from the Jewish tradition and from other religious and mythological traditions also. The painting below is entitled Les Fiancés de la tour Eiffel.

This is a video showing more of his work:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.