Tuesday, January 26

Today is Tuesday of Week 1, and if you have not logged on at Canvas to get started with the class, today is the day to do that! Here is a link to this week's assignments. Happy Blogging! :-)

Class Procedures and Reminders

Monday announcements. If you didn't get a chance to read yesterday's announcements, you can do that now: Monday announcements. And you can subscribe to the announcements by email if you want; there's a subscription box in the right-hand sidebar of the blog.

Blog network. Congratulations to everybody who has their blog set up already! The blog stream is really going strong now, with lots of posts in both classes; there were over 60 blogs up and running by the end of the day on Monday. To take a look, you can click on the "Blogs" button in the Canvas menu for the Myth-Folklore class or for the Indian Epics class.

Blogs and Comments. By the end of the day today, everybody will be blogging, and these blogs "are" the class. (No Zoom, just blogs... and then later, project websites too.) My goal this week is to read and comment on all the Favorite Places posts, and I'll be reading Introduction posts this week and next. In Week 2, you'll all be commenting on each other's blogs also, and I might even be able to get the commenting set up today for those of you who are working ahead.

CAS Orientation. You may have received an email from the College of Arts and Sciences about an online course orientation; you do not need to do that CAS orientation for this class. The week-long Orientation for this class will cover everything you need.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog stream. Here is another amazing favorite places post: Melanie in the Indian Epics class is from La Reunion, an island in the Indian Ocean which is part of France (and you will see she has French as her Blogger language setting too!). You can read all about that in her blog post: La Reunion.

Twitter stream. There are lots of different cartoonists that I follow at Twitter, and you'll be seeing work from these two cartoonists often this semester: Awkward Yeti with cartoons about Heart-and-Brain

and Liniers who does cartoons in both Spanish and English:

Plus I'm always finding interesting articles to read at Twitter, like this one from the Smithsonian about Black Panther: How Black Panther Changed Comic Books (and Wakanda) Forever.

And here is a lovely work of art someone shared at Twitter: it is the god Vishnu as his boar avatar riding on Garuda, his divine bird vahana (vehicle): 

And I'm also a huge fan of Gurdeep of the Yukon who teaches bhangra in Canada and always has fun stuff going on at Twitter:

And there are so many wonderful music videos at YouTube; here's one from the Indian musician Manish Vyas talking about the santoor:

January 26Zitkala-Sa. Today marks the anniversary of the death in 1938 of the Lakota writer, Zitkala-Sa ("Red Bird"); she was born in 1876. You can read more about her life and career at Wikipedia. The University of Oklahoma Press recently published a biography of this amazing woman: Red Bird, Red Power: The Life and Legacy of Zitkála-Šá.

There is a free audiobook of her book Old Indian Legends.

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.