Tuesday, February 2

Today is Tuesday of Week 2. If you have not done the Week 2 Reading Overview yet, today is the day to do that; here's the link: overview of reading options, and here is a link to all the Week 2 assignments.

Class Procedures and Reminders

Canvas Modules. As each week ends, I move it on down to the bottom of the Modules list in Canvas, so that means Week 2 is up at the top of the Modules list now. As you can see, all the Modules are available now, so after you finish Week 2, you can move right on to Week 3 if you want, Week 4, and so on. 

Project Stack. Some people are already turning in their Week 2 Project assignments, which is great! As people turn those in, I'll add your name to the Project stack, and you can always check the stack to make sure I received your Google form (and then I'll reply by email). 

Blog comments. The Week 2 blog randomizer is ready to go, and you'll be commenting on people's Introduction posts. I am also pleased to announce that the Week 3 randomizer is also ready for those of you who are working ahead; starting with the Week 3 comments, you'll be commenting on stories at people's blogs. :-)

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog stream. Okay, it's now time for true confessions: I have been watching Star Trek for 49 years; I became a devoted fan of the original series when I was in third grade. So of course I totally laughed out loud when I saw this in Clay's Technology Overview

Twitter stream. Here's an OU item: Farid, a reporter for the OU Daily, is looking for students to interview about online courses; you can DM Farid at Twitter or via the OUDaily.

Also OU-related: this is from Professor Jennifer Davis in the History department, sharing this great example of Norman street art:

Plus something relaxing from Nathan Pyle:

And this comes from Tanmay Vora, one of my favorite sketchnote-artists at Twitter: these are all practices I hope to encourage in this class! :-)

And I know people are probably Zoomed out... but it really is amazing how many great lectures are going on; this is an announcement relevant to both of these classes (we're starting the week in India with Buddhist jatakas, and the jatakas also come up in Myth-Folklore): Buddhist Art Online Lecture Series which starts later this month.

Some of you might be interested in supernatural creatures (a theme in both classes!)... so, do you know about the octopus monster in Lake Thunderbird? It's one of America's Mythical Lake Monsters.

And now, moving northward: here's a Bhangra video from Gurdeep Pandher, who offers Bhangra lessons online. He's based in the Yukon, hence Bhangra on a frozen lake: Indian dancing all over the world!

February 2: Imbolc. In the Wheel of the Year holidays, February 2 is celebrated as Imbolc (sometimes spelled Imbolg), the cross-quarter day which is in-between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. When it is Imbolc in the northern hemisphere, it is the holiday of Lughnasadh in the southern hemisphere.

And from YouTube, here is Music for Imbolc:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.