Tuesday, April 27

Today is Tuesday of Week 14. Here is a link to Week 14 and also Week 15. It's now European reading in Myth-Folklore, with more free choice reading in Indian Epics. I hope you will enjoy this week's reading!

Class Procedures and Reminders

Project Stack. As always you can check the stack to make sure I received your project. Yesterday, I replied to all the projects from last week, and today I'll start working on the Saturday items.

Eval.ou.edu. The course evaluations are available now at eval.ou.edu. Your feedback is especially important right now as the university is trying to decide what aspects of online courses are useful for the future (not just during a pandemic).

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog stream. There are a lot of fun social media generators tools online, and Connor used one to create a Mahabharata story: Fake Social Media Generator.

Twitter stream. Some good pandemic advice via the New York Times: 10 Ways to Calm Down... and also good advice for what can be a stressful time of the semester too:

And from Scroll.in, a fascinating piece that involves Ravana (a character familiar to everyone in Indian Epics): Indian magic texts.

Plus some advice from the world of proverbs: The fuller the cup, the sooner the spill. Don't keep your cup too full... literally and metaphorically! :-)

And don't sweat the mistakes: that's why they make erasers.

And here are some items from Week 2 of announcements, back again just for fun:

Something beautiful from one of my favorite cartoonists, Ricardo Siri, a.k.a. Liniers. Reading as yoga! (larger view)

And here is some procrastination humor from the classic pair of tortoise-and-hare as imagined in the world of Poorly Drawn Lines. (larger view)

And here's a thought to inspire your writing: Just start writing!

April 8: Hanuman Jayanti. Today is the festival of Hanuman Jayanti, which commemorates the birth of the monkey-god Hanuman. You can find out more about Hanuman at Wikipedia. The image below is a greeting card for Hanuman Jayanti, showing Hanuman as he carries the Medicine Hill... and follow Twitter #HanumanJayanti for more.

This is a terrible time for India right now, and many people are tweeting their hopes that Hanuman will bring medicine to save people from the COVID:

Here's a video about the holiday:

Plus a video in honor of Hanuman by MC Yogi and Krishna Das:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.