Storybook Stack. A very large number of Storybook assignments came in over the weekend, and I've been reading through those in the order that they came in. If you turned in a Storybook assignment on Friday or Saturday, you should have comments back from me, with points recorded for you in the Gradebook (check and make sure!). If you turned something in on Sunday or on Monday morning, it is probably still in the stack waiting for me to get to it. If you want to check and make sure your assignment is in the stack, you can see the contents of the stack here. If you want comments back sooner on your Storybook, turn it in before Sunday! If you turn your assignment in on Friday or Saturday, you will get comments back more quickly than if you wait until Sunday to do the assignment.
Storybook Comments via email. When I send back Storybook comments to you via email, you will see that my comments are inserted into your email, and are marked with ==> to make them easy to find. PLEASE READ THESE COMMENTS. The comments for each week should help you when you do your assignment for the next week, and possibly in future weeks, too, so make sure you save the emails that I send back to you about your Storybook assignment so that you can consult them later as needed.
Tech Tip emails. Until I get through the Storybook stack, I won't be responding to all the Tech Tip emails, but I'll get to that later in the week. Meanwhile, please feel free to go ahead and do more Tech Tips if you want. You certainly don't need to wait on my reply to your latest Tech Tip email for you to go ahead and do more of the Tech Tips.
Myth-Folklore: Week 2 Reading. Repeat: this is an announcement that applies to the Myth-Folklore course only. Each week, you have a CHOICE of two reading units. You choose only one, and you do your storytelling and essay posts based on that unit. So, in Week 2, you do Egypt OR Gilgamesh. It means you will have blank spaces in the Gradebook for the quizzes about the other unit you did not choose, but that's okay - it's just a result of the fact that Desire2Learn doesn't understand the idea of students choosing things (pretty sad that such expensive software can't wrap its mind around the idea of a choice, eh?). So remember: each week you will choose just ONE reading unit to do. For Week 2, that's Egypt OR Gilgamesh.
WEDNESDAY WLT Book Club: Rescheduled. Here is information from Katlin about the event that was canceled because of the snow day last week. The World Literature Today Book Club meeting has been rescheduled for WEDNESDAY, January 26, at 12:30 pm in the WLT conference room (105 Monnet Hall, 630 Parrington Oval). Lunch will be provided. The discussion selection is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. The February selection is A Corpse in the Koryo by James Church. FREE COPIES of February's book will be available at this week's meeting - so, come enjoy the discussion of Kite Runner, and get your copy of February's book, too! :-)